Now showing items 1-10 of 37
Arbitrary axisymmetric steady streaming: Flow, force and propulsion
(SpringerJournal of Engineering Mathematics, 2016)
A well-developed method to induce mixing on microscopic scales is to exploit flows generated by steady streaming. Steady streaming is a classical fluid dynamics phenomenon whereby a time-periodic forcing in the bulk or ...
Geometric tuning of self-propulsion for Janus catalytic particles
(Nature Publishing GroupScientific Reports, 2017-02-13)
Catalytic swimmers have attracted much attention as alternatives to biological systems for examining collective microscopic dynamics and the response to physico-chemical signals. Yet, understanding and predicting even the ...
Swimming with a cage: low-Reynolds-number locomotion inside a droplet
(Royal Society of ChemistrySoft Matter, 2017-05-07)
Inspired by recent experiments using synthetic microswimmers to manipulate droplets, we investigate the low-Reynolds-number locomotion of a model swimmer (a spherical squirmer) encapsulated inside a droplet of a comparable ...
Bubble-based acoustic micropropulsors: active surfaces and mixers.
(Royal Society of ChemistryLab on a chip, 2017-04-04)
Acoustic micropropulsors present great potential for microfluidic applications. The propulsion is based on encapsulated 20 μm bubbles excited by a contacless ultrasonic transducer. The vibrating bubbles then generate a ...
An empirical resistive-force theory for slender biological filaments in shear-thinning fluids
(American Physical SocietyPhysical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, Biological, and Soft Matter Physics, 2017-06-23)
Many cells exploit the bending or rotation of flagellar filaments in order to self-propel in viscous fluids. While appropriate theoretical modeling is available to capture flagella locomotion in simple, Newtonian fluids, ...
Geometric capture and escape of a microswimmer colliding with an obstacle
(Royal Society of ChemistrySoft Matter, 2015-03-09)
Motivated by recent experiments, we consider the hydrodynamic capture of a microswimmer near a stationary spherical obstacle.
Simulations of model equations show that a swimmer approaching a small spherical colloid is ...
Geometric pumping in autophoretic channels
(Royal Society of ChemistrySoft Matter, 2015-05-07)
Many microfluidic devices use macroscopic pressure differentials to overcome viscous friction and generate flows in microchannels.
In this work, we investigate how the chemical and geometric properties of the channel walls ...
A regularised singularity approach to phoretic problems
(SpringerThe European Physical Journal E, 2015-12-28)
An efficient, accurate, and flexible numerical method is proposed for the solution of the swimming problem of one or more autophoretic particles in the purely diffusive limit. The method relies on successive boundary element ...
Slender-ribbon theory
(American Institute of PhysicsPhysics of Fluids, 2016-01-11)
Ribbons are long narrow strips possessing three distinct material length scales (thickness, width, and length) which allow them to produce unique shapes unobtainable by wires or filaments. For example, when a ribbon has ...
Stresslets Induced by Active Swimmers
(American Physical SocietyPhysical Review Letters, 2016-09-30)
Active particles disturb the fluid around them as force dipoles, or stresslets, which govern their collective dynamics. Unlike swimming speeds, the stresslets of active particles are rarely determined due to the lack of a ...