Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Low- and high-frequency oscillatory winds synergistically enhance nutrient entrainment and phytoplankton at fronts
(AGU PublicationsJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017-02-10)
When phytoplankton growth is limited by low nutrient concentrations, full-depth-integrated phytoplankton biomass increases in response to intermittent mixing events that bring nutrient-rich waters into the sunlit surface ...
Turbulent mixing, restratification, and phytoplankton growth at a submesoscale eddy
(WileyGeophysical Research Letters, 2016-05-13)
High-resolution large-eddy simulations are used to study the influence of submesoscale mixed layer instability and small-scale turbulence on phytoplankton growth in light-limited conditions. Four simulations are considered ...