Browsing Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy by Title

Now showing items 242-261 of 648

  • Inelastic scattering of xenon atoms by quantized vortices in superfluids 

    Pshenichnyuk, IA; Berloff, Natalia G (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review B, 2016-11-01)
    We study inelastic interactions of particles with quantized vortices in superfluids by using a semiclassical matter wave theory that is analogous to the Landau two-fluid equations, but allows for the vortex dynamics. The ...

  • Inferring condition specific regulatory networks with small sample sizes: a case study in bacillus subtilis and infection of mus musculus by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii 

    Pacini, Clare (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsDowning College, 2017-10-23)
    Modelling interactions between genes and their regulators is fundamental to understanding how, for example a disease progresses, or the impact of inserting a synthetic circuit into a cell. We use an existing method to infer ...

  • Inhomogeneous initial data and small-field inflation 

    Marsh, Carl Marc; Barrow, John David; Ganguly, C (IoPJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018-05-08)
    We consider the robustness of small-field inflation in the presence of scalar field inhomo- geneities. Previous numerical work has shown that if the scalar potential is flat only over a narrow in- terval, such as in commonly ...

  • Initial and boundary value problems in two and three dimensions 

    Kalimeris, Konstantinos (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsTrinity College, 2010-04-13)
    This thesis: (a) presents the solution of several boundary value problems (BVPs) for the Laplace and the modified Helmholtz equations in the interior of an equilateral triangle; (b) presents the solution of the heat ...

  • Instabilities and Solitons in Minimal Strips 

    Machon, Thomas; Alexander, Gareth P; Goldstein, Raymond Ethan; Pesci, Adriana Irma (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review Letters, 2016-07-01)
    We show that highly twisted minimal strips can undergo a nonsingular transition, unlike the singular transitions seen in the Möbius strip and the catenoid. If the strip is nonorientable, this transition is topologically ...

  • Instabilities and transport in magnetized plasmas 

    Rosin, Mark (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsDarwin College, 2011-02-08)
    In a magnetized plasma, naturally occurring pressure anisotropies facilitate in- stabilities that are expected to modify the transport properties of the system. In this thesis we examine two such instabilities and, where ...

  • Instabilities of interacting vortex rings generated by an oscillating disk 

    Deng, Jian; Teng, Lubao; Caulfield, Colm-cille Patrick; Mao, Xuerui (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review E, 2016-09-14)
    We propose a natural model to probe in a controlled fashion the instability of interacting vortex rings shed from the edge of an oblate spheroid disk of major diameter $\textit{c}$, undergoing oscillations of frequency ...

  • Instability of supersymmetric microstate geometries 

    Eperon, Felicity C; Reall, Harvey Stephen; Santos, Jorge Eduardo (SpringerJournal of High Energy Physics, 2016-10-07)
    We investigate the classical stability of supersymmetric, asymptotically flat, microstate geometries with five non-compact dimensions. Such geometries admit an “evanescent ergosurface”: a timelike hypersurface of infinite ...

  • Integrable Abelian vortex-like solitons 

    Contatto, Felipe (ElsevierPhysics Letters B, 2017-05-10)
    We propose a modified version of the Ginzburg–Landau energy functional admitting static solitons and determine all the Painlevé-integrable cases of its Bogomolny equations of a given class of models. Explicit solutions are ...

  • Interaction between the Blasius boundary layer and a free surface 

    Tsang, Jonathan; Dalziel, Stuart Bruce; Vriend, Nathalie Maria (Cambridge University PressJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018-03-25)
    We consider the steady, supercritical flow of a fluid layer. The layer is bounded above by a free surface and below by a rigid no-slip base. The base is in two parts: the downstream part of the base is stationary, while ...

  • Interaction of turbulence with the leading-edge stagnation point of a thin aerofoil 

    Ayton, Lorna Jane; Peake, Nigel (Cambridge University PressJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016)
    An asymptotic model is constructed to analyse the interaction of turbulence generated far upstream with a thin elliptic-nosed solid body in uniform flow. The leading-edge stagnation point causes significant deformation of ...

  • Interpreting a CMS excess in lljj+missing-transverse-momentum with the golden cascade of the minimal supersymmetric standard model 

    Allanach, Benjamin Christopher; Kvellestad, Anders; Raklev, Are (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review D, 2015-06-29)
    The CMS experiment recently reported an excess consistent with an invariant mass edge in opposite-sign same flavor (OSSF) leptons, when produced in conjunction with at least two jets and missing transverse momentum. We ...

  • Interpreting the CMS l+l-jj missing ET Excess with a Leptoquark Model 

    Allanach, Ben; Alves, Alexandre; Queiroz, Farinaldo S.; Sinha, Kuver; Strumia, Alessandro (APSPhysical Review D, 2015-06-29)
    We present a model of leptoquarks (LQs) with a significant partial branching ratio into an extra sector, taken to be a viable dark matter candidate, other than the canonical lepton and jets final state. For LQs with mass ...

  • Interpreting the CMS ℓ+ ℓ-jj+ missing transverse energy excess with a leptoquark model 

    Allanach, Benjamin Christopher; Alves, A; Queiroz, FS; Sinha, K; Strumia, A (Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2015-09-17)

  • Investigating prominence turbulence with Hinode SOT Dopplergrams 

    Hillier, Andrew Stephen; Matsumoto, T; Ichimoto, K (EDP SciencesAstronomy & Astrophysics, 2016-10-10)
    Quiescent prominences host a diverse range of flows, including Rayleigh-Taylor instability driven upflows and impulsive downflows, and so it is no surprise that turbulent motions also exist. As prominences are believed to ...

  • Irreversible mixing by unstable periodic orbits in buoyancy dominated stratified turbulence 

    Lucas, D; Caulfield, Colm-cille Patrick (Cambridge University PressJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017-10-26)
    We consider turbulence driven by a large-scale horizontal shear in Kolmogorov flow (i.e. with sinusoidal body forcing) and a background linear stable strati cation with buoyancy frequency $N^2_B$ imposed in the third, ...

  • Is there a breakdown of effective field theory at the horizon of an extremal black hole? 

    Hadar, S; Reall, Harvey Stephen
    © 2017, The Author(s). Linear perturbations of extremal black holes exhibit the Aretakis instability, in which higher derivatives of a scalar field grow polynomially with time along the event horizon. This suggests that ...

  • Isoscalar ππ Scattering and the σ Meson Resonance from QCD 

    Briceño, RA; Dudek, JJ; Edwards, RG; Wilson, David John (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review Letters, 2017-01-13)
    We present for the first time a determination of the energy dependence of the isoscalar ππ elastic scattering phase shift within a first-principles numerical lattice approach to QCD. Hadronic correlation functions are ...

  • Jets, mixing, and topography in the Southern Ocean 

    Boland, Emma Joan Douglas (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsClare College, 2013-11-12)
    The Southern Ocean holds a unique place in our planet. It is home to the world’s longest and strongest ocean current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (or ACC), which is formed of jets (alternating velocity structures), ...

  • Jordan-Wigner formalism for arbitrary 2-input 2-output matchgates and their classical simulation 

    Jozsa, Richard; Miyake, Akimasa; Strelchuk, Sergii (Rinton PressQuantum Information and Computation, 2015-05-01)
    In Valiant's matchgate theory, 2-input 2-output matchgates are 4 4 matrices that satisfy ten so-called matchgate identities. We prove that the set of all such matchgates (including non-unitary and non-invertible ones) ...