Browsing by Title

Now showing items 2898-2917 of 4790

  • Office automation 

    Stutz, Peter (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 1989)
    Office automation systems have become an essential tool for the operation of the modern office. With the emphasis of a modern office being placed on efficiency and ease of communication, office automation systems have ...

  • Offices are Open Systems 

    Unknown author (1987-02-01)
    This paper takes a prescriptive stance on how to establish the information-processing foundations for taking action and making decisions in office work from an open system perspective. We propose due process as a ...

  • Olympic Robot Building Manual 

    Unknown author (1988-12-01)
    The 1989 AI Lab Winter Olympics will take a slightly different twist from previous Olympiads. Although there will still be a dozen or so athletic competitions, the annual talent show finale will now be a display not ...

  • An $\Omega(n \log n)$ Lower Bound on the Cost of Mutual Exclusion 

    Unknown author (2006-07-23)
    We prove an $\Omega(n \log n)$ lower bound on the number ofnon-busywaiting memory accesses by any deterministic algorithm solving$n$ process mutual exclusion that communicates via shared registers.The cost of the algorithm ...

  • On "Learnable" Representations of Knowledge: A Meaning for the Computational Metaphor 

    Unknown author (1977-09-01)
    The computational metaphor which proposes the comparison of processes of mind to realizable or imaginable computer activities suggests a number of educational concerns. This paper discusses some of those concerns ...

  • On a Heegaard Floer theory for tangles 

    Zibrowius, Claudius (University of CambridgeDPMMS, 2017-03-10)
    The purpose of this thesis is to define a “local” version of Ozsváth and Szabó’s Heegaard Floer homology HFL^ for links in the 3-sphere, i.e. a Heegaard Floer homology HFT^ for tangles in the 3-ball. The decategorification ...

  • On a model of visual cortex: learning invariance and selectivity 

    Unknown author (2008-04-04)
    In this paper we present a class of algorithms for similarity learning on spaces of images. The general framework that we introduce is motivated by some well-known hierarchical pre-processing architectures for object ...

  • On Algorithms and Complexity for Sets with Cardinality Constraints 

    Unknown author (2005-08-03)
    Typestate systems ensure many desirable properties of imperativeprograms, including initialization of object fields and correct use ofstateful library interfaces. Abstract sets with cardinalityconstraints naturally ...

  • On axiomatic systems in mathematics and theories in physics 

    Gandy, Robin Oliver (University of Cambridge, 1953-07-25)

  • On Big Data Management in Internet of Things 

    Ojewale, Mubarak Adetunji (2016-06-16)
    The Internet of Things (IoT) has generated a large amount of research interest across a wide variety of technical areas. These include the physical devices themselves, communications among them, and relationships between ...

  • On Boundary Detection 

    Unknown author (1970-07-01)
    A description is given of how edge erase of prismatic objects appear through a television camera serving as visual input to a computer. Two types of edge-finding predicates are proposed and compared, one linear in intensity, ...

  • On Convergence Properties of the EM Algorithm for Gaussian Mixtures 

    Unknown author (1995-04-21)
    "Expectation-Maximization'' (EM) algorithm and gradient-based approaches for maximum likelihood learning of finite Gaussian mixtures. We show that the EM step in parameter space is obtained from the gradient via a ...

  • On Decision Procedures for Set-Value Fields 

    Unknown author (2004-11-30)
    An important feature of object-oriented programming languages is the ability todynamically instantiate user-defined container data structures such as lists, trees,and hash tables. Programs implement such data structures ...

  • On Degeneracy of Linear Reconstruction from Three Views: Linear Line Complex and Applications 

    Unknown author (1997-12-01)
    This paper investigates the linear degeneracies of projective structure estimation from point and line features across three views. We show that the rank of the linear system of equations for recovering the trilinear tensor ...

  • On Directional Selectivity in Vertebrate Retina: An Experimental and Computational Study 

    Unknown author (1992-01-01)
    This thesis describes an investigation of retinal directional selectivity. We show intracellular (whole-cell patch) recordings in turtle retina which indicate that this computation occurs prior to the ganglion cell, ...

  • On dust–gas gravitational instabilities in protoplanetary discs 

    Latter, Henrik Nils; Rosca, Roxana (Oxford University PressMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017-01-11)
    In protoplanetary discs the aerodynamical friction between particles and gas induces a variety of instabilities that facilitate planet formation. Of these we examine the so-called ‘secular gravitational instability’ (SGI) ...

  • On Dynamic Models of Robot Force Control 

    Unknown author (1986-07-01)
    For precise robot control, endpoint compliance strategies utilize feedback from a force sensor located near the tool/workpiece interface. Such endpoint force control systems have been observed in the laboratory to be ...

  • On Edge Detection 

    Unknown author (1984-08-01)
    Edge detection is the process that attempts to characterize the intensity changes in the image in terms of the physical processes that have originated them. A critical, intermediate goal of edge detection is the detection ...

  • On eigenvectors for semisimple elements in actions of algebraic groups 

    Kenneally, Darren John (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 2010-02-09)
    Let $G$ be a simple simply connected algebraic group defined over an algebraically closed field $K$ and $V$ an irreducible module defined over $K$ on which $G$ acts. Let $E$ denote the set of vectors in $V$ which are ...

  • On Field Constraint Analysis 

    Unknown author (2005-11-03)
    We introduce field constraint analysis, a new technique for verifying data structure invariants. A field constraint for a field is a formula specifying a set of objects to which the field can point. Field constraints ...