Browsing by Title

Now showing items 3198-3217 of 4790

  • PIKA: A Network Service for Multikernel Operating Systems 

    Unknown author (2014-01-28)
    PIKA is a network stack designed for multikernel operating systems that target potential future architectures lacking cache-coherent shared memory but supporting message passing. PIKA splits the network stack into several ...

  • PILOT: A Step Toward Man-Computer Symbiosis 

    Unknown author (1966-09-01)
    PILOT is a programming system constructed in LISP. It is designed to facilitate the development of programs by easing the familiar sequence: write some code, run the program, make some changes, write some more code, ...

  • Plain Talk About Neurodevelopmental Epistemology 

    Unknown author (1977-06-01)
    This paper is based on a theory being devloped in collaboration with Seymour Papert in which we view the mind as an organized society of intercommunicating "agents". Each such agent is, by itself, very simple. The ...

  • A Plan for Optimizing Network-Intensive Cloud Applications 

    Unknown author (2013-02-12)
    A significant and growing number of applications deployed on cloud infrastructures are network-intensive. These applications are frequently bottlenecked by the speed of network connections between the machines on which ...

  • Plan Recognition in a Programmer's Apprentice 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1977-05)
    Brief Statement of the Problem: Stated most generally, the proposed research is concerned with understanding and representing the teleological structure of engineered devices. More specifically, I propose to study the ...

  • Plan Verification in a Programmer's Apprentice 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1978-01)
    Brief Statement of the Problem: An interactive programming environment called the Programmer's Apprentice is described. Intended for use by the expert programmer in the process of program design and maintenance, the ...

  • Plan-Driven Pervasive Computing 

    Unknown author (2006-03-01)
    The goal of human-centered, pervasive computing should be to hide the details of the computing environment, allowing users to concentrate on their goals, rather than on the direct management of devices. This paper describes ...

  • Plan-view Trajectory Estimation with Dense Stereo Background Models 

    Unknown author (2001-02-01)
    In a known environment, objects may be tracked in multiple views using a set of back-ground models. Stereo-based models can be illumination-invariant, but often have undefined values which inevitably lead to foreground ...

  • Planck intermediate results: LI. Features in the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum and shifts in cosmological parameters 

    Aghanim, N; Akrami, Y; Ashdown, Mark Andrew; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Ballardini, M; Banday, AJ; Barreiro, RB; Bartolo, N; Basak, S; Benabed, K; Bersanelli, M; Bielewicz, P; Bonaldi, A; Bonavera, L; Bond, JR; Borrill, J; Bouchet, FR; Burigana, C; Calabrese, E; Cardoso, JF; Challinor, Anthony David; Chiang, HC; Colombo, LPL; Combet, C; Crill, BP; Curto, A; Cuttaia, F; De Bernardis, P; De Rosa, A; De Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Di Valentino, E; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Doré, O; Ducout, A; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Efstathiou, George Petros; Elsner, F; Enßlin, TA; Eriksen, HK; Fantaye, Y; Finelli, F; Forastieri, F; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Frolov, A; Galeotta, S; Galli, S; Ganga, K; Génova-Santos, RT; Gerbino, M; González-Nuevo, J; Górski, KM; Gratton, S; Gruppuso, A; Gudmundsson, JE; Herranz, D; Hivon, E
    The six parameters of the standard ΛCDM model have best-fit values derived from the Planck temperature power spectrum that are shifted somewhat from the best-fit values derived from WMAP data. These shifts are driven by ...

  • Plane Geometry Theorem Proving Using Forward Chaining 

    Unknown author (1974-01-01)
    A computer program is described which operates on a subset of plane geometry. Its performance not only compares favorably with previous computer programs, but within its limited problem domain (e.g. no curved lines ...

  • Planet-Disc Interactions and Early Evolution of Planetary Systems 

    Baruteau, Clément; Crida, Aurélien; Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan; Masset, Frédéric; Guilet, Jérôme; Bitsch, Bertram; Nelson, Richard P; Kley, Wilhelm; Papaloizou, John Christopher

  • Planner Implementation Proposal to ARPA 1972-1973 

    Unknown author (1971-12-01)
    The task objective is the generalization and implementation of the full power of the problem solving formalism PLANNER in the next two years. We will show how problem solving knowledge can be effectively incorporated into ...

  • PLANNER: A Language for Manipulating Models and Proving Theorems in a Robot 

    Unknown author (1970-08-01)
    PLANNER is a language for proving theorems and manipulating models in a robot. The language is built out of a number of problem-solving primitives together with a hierarchical control structure. Statements can be asserted ...

  • PLANNER: A Language for Proving Theorems 

    Unknown author (1967-07-01)
    The following is a description of SCHEMATISE, a proposal for a program that proves very elementary theorems though the use of planning. The method is most easily explained through an example die to Black.

  • Planning and Teaching Compliant Motion Strategies 

    Unknown author (1987-01-01)
    This thesis presents a new high level robot programming system. The programming system can be used to construct strategies consisting of compliant motions, in which a moving robot slides along obstacles in its ...

  • Planning Collision Free Motions for Pick and Place Operations 

    Unknown author (1983-05-01)
    An efficient algorithm which finds collision free paths for a manipulator with 5 or 6 revolute joints is described. It solves the problem for four degree of freedom pick and place operations. Examples are given of paths ...

  • Planning for Conjunctive Goals 

    Unknown author (1985-11-01)
    The problem of achieving conjunctive goals has been central to domain independent planning research; the nonlinear constraint-posting approach has been most successful. Previous planners of this type have been comlicated, ...

  • Planning is Just a Way of Avoiding Figuring Out What To Do Next 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1987-09)
    The idea of planning and plan execution is just an intuition based decomposition. There is no reason it has to be that way. Most likely in the long term, real empirical evidence from systems we know to be built that way ...

  • Planning multisentential English text using communicative acts 

    Maybury, Mark Thomas (University of Cambridge, 1991-11-12)
    The goal of this research is to develop explanation presentation mechanisms for knowledge based systems which enable them to define domain terminology and concepts, narrate events, elucidate plans, processes, or propositions ...

  • Planning of Minimum-Time Trajectories for Robot Arms 

    Unknown author (1984-11-01)
    The minimum-time for a robot arm has been a longstanding and unsolved problem of considerable interest. We present a general solution to this problem that involves joint-space tesselation, a dynamic time-scaling ...