Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Text Mining of Twitter Data: Topic Modelling
Access to the Internet is becoming more affordable especially in Africa and with this the number of active social media users is also on the rise. Twitter is a social media platform on which users post and interact with ...
Classification of Breast Cancer Using Logistic Regression
Breast cancer is a prevalent disease that affects mostly women, an early diagnosis will expedite the treatment of this ailment. In recent times, Machine Learning (ML) techniques have been employed in biomedical and informatics ...
Prediction of Heart Disease using Bayesian Network Model
The Heart Disease according to the survey is the leading cause of death all over the world. The health sector has a lot of data, but unfortunately, these data are not well utilized. This is as a result of lack of effective ...
Malaria Prediction using Bayesian and other Machine Learning Techniques
Main purpose of data mining is to extract valuable information from available data. With the enormous amount of data stored in files, databases, and repositories, in the healthcare sector, it’s increasingly important, if ...
Text Retrieval Using Wavelet Tree
(AUST, 2021-07-20)
The wavelet tree is a flexible data structure that permits representing sequences S[1; n] of symbols over an alphabet of size (n), within compressed space and supporting a wide range of operations on S. It has been used ...
Maleria Prevention Using Social Media and Text Mining
(AUST, 2021-07-18)
The battle with malaria especially in the African continent still exists and has been taking the lives of many in the area, so there is a need to keep fighting the battle, monitor progress and challenges. One way is the ...
Bidirectional Search in a String Using Wavelet Matrix and Burrows Wheeler Transform
(AUST, 2020-08-02)
Wavelet tree is a data structure which permits the representation of sequences of symbols over an alphabet of size σ. It recursively partitions a string into two halves until homogeneous data is obtained. An increase in ...
Machine Learning Techniques for Malaria Incidence and Tuberculosis Prediction
(AUST, 2021-07-02)
This research proposes machine learning techniques to develop models that would facilitate decision-making in health informatics. It focuses on using efficient machine learning techniques to solve the pressing need in the ...
A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Cancer Detection Using Knowledge Distillation Techniques
(AUST, 2023-01-15)
The second most heterogeneous cancer ever discovered is Breast Cancer (BC). BC is a disease that develops from malignant tumors when the breast cells begin to grow abnormally. Although it grows in the breast, it can spread ...
How Machine Learning Can Evaluate The Influence Of Socio-Economic and Climatic Factors in Agricultural Yield: A Case Of Nigeria
(AUST, 2023-05-13)
The major international agencies in charge of nutrition are becoming increasingly concerned about global agricultural production in particular. Food insecurity has emerged in some populated areas, including Africa, as a ...