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Building and Ranking of Geostatistical Petroleum Reservoir Models

dc.contributor.authorOdai, Lowestein Adjei
dc.description.abstractTechniques in Geostatistics are increasingly being used to generate reservoir models and quantify uncertainty in reservoir properties. This is achieved through the construction of multiple realizations to capture the physically significant features in the reservoir. However, only a limited number of these realizations are required for complex fluid flow simulation to predict reservoir future performance. Therefore, there is the need to adequately rank and select a few of the realizations for detailed flow simulation. This thesis presents a methodology for building and ranking equiprobable realizations of the reservoir by both static and dynamic measures. Sequential Gaussian Simulation was used to build 30 realizations of the reservoir. The volume of oil originally in place, which is a static measure, was applied in ranking the realizations. Also, this study utilizes Geometric Average Permeability, Cumulative Recovery and Average Breakthrough times from streamline simulation as the dynamic measures to rank the realizations. A couple of realizations selected from both static and dynamic measures were used to conduct a successful history match of field water cut in a case study.en_US
dc.subjectOdai Lowestein Adjeien_US
dc.subjectProf. David Ogbeen_US
dc.subjectPetroleum Reservoir Modelsen_US
dc.subjectGeostatistical Petroleum Reservoir Modelsen_US
dc.subject2010 Petroleum Engineering Thesesen_US
dc.titleBuilding and Ranking of Geostatistical Petroleum Reservoir Modelsen_US

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