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Observatory System for Monitoring Electric Power Demand and Delivery

dc.contributor.authorAjayi, Tunde Oluwaseyi
dc.description.abstractNigeria is a fast-growing country in terms of urbanization. One of the major infrastructure challenge is power supply. However, this challenge is often not as a result of power generation but as a result of power distribution. It is expected that housing development policies be implemented for example through standard for house equipment. The partners are expected to be ministries of power, works and urban development . This report is a documentation of a project which required developing an Information system (Observatory) that makes available, online statistics of Electric Power Demand. The statistics provided will serve as a decision-making tool for policy makers in the relevant sector to plan optimal strategies for better delivery of Electric power, especially in the area of provision of Electrical Infrastructure. The development of the Information System was achieved using Drupal Content Management System.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUST and AfDB.en_US
dc.subjectProf. Amos Daviden_US
dc.subjectAjayi TUnde Oluwaseyien_US
dc.subjectBig dataen_US
dc.subjectinformation systemsen_US
dc.subjectcompetitive intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectinformation visualizationen_US
dc.subject2017 Computer Science and Engineering Thesesen_US
dc.titleObservatory System for Monitoring Electric Power Demand and Deliveryen_US

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  • Computer Science105

    This collection contains Computer Science Student's Theses from 2009-2022

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