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Exergy Analysis of Hybrid Solar Pv- Diesel / Biofuel System for Cogeneration (ELECTRCITY and Cold)

dc.contributor.authorDandogbessi, Senakpon Bruno
dc.description.abstractIn this study, Flexy energy analysis taking exergy analysis and heat recovery into account on performance has been performed. The effects of wasting heat on exhaust gas temperature and cooling engine, is analysed in terms of design paramèters. It was observed that thermal exergy from a wasting heat for Flexy energy might be used to produce cold. In the theoretical study, the achievement of heat recovered is to circulate water through the source of exhaust gas. It was found that the temperature of water increased. Likewise, water passed through solar collectors before reaching the chiller. Thus , as a consequence the temperature of water increased. The important role of solar collectors is to supply the minimum temperature needed by the chiller to operate. Thus, the exergy analysis has been performed with the purpose of calculating the amount of available energy of exhaust gas and cooling engine which used to produce cold via a system of heat recovery. It was concluded that, is possible for Flexy Energy system can be used to produce simultaneously electricity and cold.en_US
dc.subjectDandogbessi Senakpon Brunoen_US
dc.subjectDr Yao Azoumahen_US
dc.subject2010 Theoretical Physics Thesesen_US
dc.subjectFlexy energyen_US
dc.subjectHeat recoveryen_US
dc.titleExergy Analysis of Hybrid Solar Pv- Diesel / Biofuel System for Cogeneration (ELECTRCITY and Cold)en_US

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Theoretical and Applied Physics55

    This collection contains selected research work by Theoretical and Applied Physics Students at the master's level, from 2009-2022.

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