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Quality of service and NFC Communications Security of applications dedicated to dependent people

dc.contributor.authorAfolabi-Bello, Oluwayemisi
dc.description.abstractThe application of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in every part of the world today has tremendously improved efficiency and effectiveness regarding security. The use of this technology in the healthcare system has taken the area to greater heights of confidence and reliability, especially for medical personnel, as well as the patients. This project focuses on helping dependent people live their lives more productively by helping them manage their lives better. With this application, there is an e-relationship between the health care provider and the patient. This technology redefines the traditional, doctor-pharmacist- patient ‘prescription’ relationship. Here the doctors send an e-prescription to the pharmacist, the pharmacist then uses the NFC tags to tag those drugs with relative information linked to the prescribed drug. The patient on his part uses an NFC-enabled smartphone, which possesses the mobile application to read the information on the tagged drug, this beeps when it is time to take the drug. When this application is installed on a smartphone (NFC-enabled), the smartphone automatically launches the application once the drug box is brought close to the smartphone. The smartphone reads the prescribed drug and how the drug must be taken.en_US
dc.subjectAfolabi-Bello OLuwayemisien_US
dc.subjectProf Ousmane Thiareen_US
dc.subject2016 Computer Science Thesesen_US
dc.subjectNFC Communications Securityen_US
dc.subjectApplications dedicated to dependent peopleen_US
dc.titleQuality of service and NFC Communications Security of applications dedicated to dependent peopleen_US

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  • Computer Science105

    This collection contains Computer Science Student's Theses from 2009-2022

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