MIT: Recent submissions

Now showing items 121-140 of 2625

  • PIKA: A Network Service for Multikernel Operating Systems 

    Unknown author (2014-01-28)
    PIKA is a network stack designed for multikernel operating systems that target potential future architectures lacking cache-coherent shared memory but supporting message passing. PIKA splits the network stack into several ...

  • Reliability-Aware Optimization of Approximate Computational Kernels with Rely 

    Unknown author (2014-01-09)
    Emerging high-performance architectures are anticipated to contain unreliable components (e.g., ALUs) that offer low power consumption at the expense of soft errors. Some applications (such as multimedia processing, machine ...

  • Synthesis of Randomized Accuracy-Aware Map-Fold Programs 

    Unknown author (2013-12-29)
    We present Syndy, a technique for automatically synthesizing randomized map/fold computations that trade accuracy for performance. Given a specification of a fully accurate computation, Syndy automatically synthesizes ...

  • 3D Tracking via Body Radio Reflections 

    Unknown author (2013-12-11)
    This paper introduces WiTrack, a system that tracks the 3D motion of a user from the radio signals reflected off her body. It works even if the person is occluded from the WiTrack device or in a different room. WiTrack ...

  • Bridging Utility Maximization and Regret Minimization 

    Unknown author (2013-12-03)
    We relate the strategies obtained by (1) utility maximizers who use regret to refine their set of undominated strategies, and (2) regret minimizers who use weak domination to refine their sets of regret-minimizing strategies.

  • GenBase: A Complex Analytics Genomics Benchmark 

    Unknown author (2013-11-19)
    This paper introduces a new benchmark, designed to test database management system (DBMS) performance on a mix of data management tasks (joins, filters, etc.) and complex analytics (regression, singular value decomposition, ...

  • On Randomized Path Coverage of Configuration Spaces 

    Unknown author (2013-11-18)
    We present a sampling-based algorithm that generates a set of locally-optimal paths that differ in visibility.

  • OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning 

    Unknown author (2013-11-01)
    Program autotuning has been shown to achieve better or more portable performance in a number of domains. However, autotuners themselves are rarely portable between projects, for a number of reasons: using a domain-informed ...

  • Code for Java Libraries for Accessing the Princeton Wordnet: Comparison and Evaluation 

    Unknown author (2013-11-01)
    This archive contains the code and data for running the evaluations described in: Finlayson, Mark Alan (2014) "Java Libraries for Accessing the Princeton Wordnet: comparison and Evaluation" in Proceedings of the 7th Global ...

  • Asynchronous Failure Detectors 

    Unknown author (2013-10-10)
    Failure detectors -- oracles that provide information about process crashes -- are an important abstraction for crash tolerance in distributed systems. The generality of failure-detector theory, while providing great ...

  • Distributed Shared State with History Maintenance 

    Unknown author (2013-10-08)
    Shared mutable state is challenging to maintain in a distributed environment. We develop a technique, based on the Operational Transform, that guides independent agents into producing consistent states through inconsistent ...

  • Mouse Behavior Recognition with The Wisdom of Crowd 

    Unknown author (2013-09-19)
    In this thesis, we designed and implemented a crowdsourcing system to annotatemouse behaviors in videos; this involves the development of a novel clip-based video labeling tools, that is more efficient than traditional ...

  • Harvesting Application Information for Industry-Scale Relational Schema Matching 

    Unknown author (2013-09-10)
    Consider the problem of migrating a company's CRM or ERP database from one application to another, or integrating two such databases as a result of a merger. This problem requires matching two large relational schemas with ...

  • Optimal Bidirectional Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees 

    Unknown author (2013-08-15)
    In this paper we present a simple, computationally-efficient, two-tree variant of the RRT* algorithm along with several heuristics.

  • Does invariant recognition predict tuning of neurons in sensory cortex? 

    Unknown author (2013-08-06)
    Tuning properties of simple cells in cortical V1 can be described in terms of a "universal shape" characterized by parameter values which hold across different species. This puzzling set of findings begs for a general ...

  • Sound Input Filter Generation for Integer Overflow Errors 

    Unknown author (2013-08-06)
    We present a system, SIFT, for generating input filters that nullify integer overflow errors associated with critical program sites such as memory allocation or block copy sites. SIFT uses a static program analysis to ...

  • Conceptual Design of Software: A Research Agenda 

    Unknown author (2013-08-08)
    A research agenda in software design is outlined, focusing on the role of concepts. The notions of concepts as "abstract affordances" and of conceptual integrity are discussed, and a series of small examples of conceptual ...

  • Jigsaw: Scalable Software-Defined Caches (Extended Version) 

    Unknown author (2013-09-01)
    Shared last-level caches, widely used in chip-multiprocessors (CMPs), face two fundamental limitations. First, the latency and energy of shared caches degrade as the system scales up. Second, when multiple workloads share ...

  • Coded Emulation of Shared Atomic Memory for Message Passing Architectures 

    Unknown author (2013-07-17)
    This paper considers the communication and storage costs of emulating atomic (linearizable) read/write shared memory in distributed message-passing systems. We analyze the costs of previously-proposed algorithms by Attiya, ...

  • Dynamic Input/Output Automata: a Formal and Compositional Model for Dynamic Systems 

    Unknown author (2013-07-08)
    We present dynamic I/O automata (DIOA), a compositional model of dynamic systems, based on I/O automata. In our model, automata can be created and destroyed dynamically, as computation proceeds. In addition, an automaton ...