Browsing Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) by Title

Now showing items 161-180 of 2625

  • Assimilation of New Information by a Natural Language Understanding System 

    Unknown author (1974-02-01)
    This work describes a program, called TOPLE, which uses a procedural model of the world to understand simple declarative sentences. It accepts sentences in a modified predicate calculus symbolism, and uses plausible ...

  • Associative Learning of Standard Regularizing Operators in Early Vision 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1984-12)
    Standard regularization methods can be used to solve satisfactorily several problems in early vision, including edge detection, surface reconstruction, the computation of motion and the recovery of color. In this paper, ...

  • The Assq Chip and Its Progeny 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-01)
    The Assq Chip lives on the memory bus of the Scheme-81 chip of Sussman et al and serves as a utility for the computation of a number of functions concerned with the maintenance of linear tables and lists. Motivated by a ...

  • Asymptotically Zero Energy Computing Using Split-Level Charge Recovery Logic 

    Unknown author (1994-06-01)
    The dynamic power requirement of CMOS circuits is rapidly becoming a major concern in the design of personal information systems and large computers. In this work we present a number of new CMOS logic families, Charge ...

  • Asymptotics of Gaussian Regularized Least-Squares 

    Unknown author (2005-10-20)
    We consider regularized least-squares (RLS) with a Gaussian kernel. Weprove that if we let the Gaussian bandwidth $\sigma \rightarrow\infty$ while letting the regularization parameter $\lambda\rightarrow 0$, the RLS solution ...

  • Asynchronous Failure Detectors 

    Unknown author (2013-01-30)
    Failure detectors -- oracles that provide information about process crashes -- are an important abstraction for crash tolerance in distributed systems. The generality of failure-detector theory, while providing great ...

  • Asynchronous Failure Detectors 

    Unknown author (2013-10-10)
    Failure detectors -- oracles that provide information about process crashes -- are an important abstraction for crash tolerance in distributed systems. The generality of failure-detector theory, while providing great ...

  • ATAC: A Manycore Processor with On-Chip Optical Network 

    Unknown author (2009-05-05)
    Ever since industry has turned to parallelism instead of frequency scaling to improve processor performance, multicore processors have continued to scale to larger and larger numbers of cores. Some believe that multicores ...

  • Attentional Selection in Object Recognition 

    Unknown author (1993-01-01)
    A key problem in object recognition is selection, namely, the problem of identifying regions in an image within which to start the recognition process, ideally by isolating regions that are likely to come from a single ...

  • Attentive processing improves object recognition 

    Unknown author (2009-10-02)
    The human visual system can recognize several thousand object categories irrespective of their position and size. This combination of selectivity and invariance is built up gradually across several stages of visual processing. ...

  • The Audiomomma Music Recommendation System 

    Unknown author (2001-07-01)
    We design and implement a system that recommends musicians to listeners. The basic idea is to keep track of what artists a user listens to, to find other users with similar tastes, and to recommend other artists that these ...

  • Audit Trails in the Aeolus Distributed Security Platform 

    Unknown author (2010-09-29)
    This thesis provides a complete design and implementation of audit trail collection and storage for Aeolus, a distributed security platform based on information flow control. An information flow control system regulates ...

  • Automata On a 2-Dimensional Tape 

    Unknown author (1967-06-01)
    This paper explains our approach to the problem of pattern recognition by serial computer. The rudimentary theory of vision presented here lies within the framework of automata theory. Out goal is to classify the types of ...

  • Automated Acquisition of Evolving Informal Descriptions 

    Unknown author (1990-06-01)
    The Listener is an automated system that unintrusively performs knowledge acquisition from informal input. The Listener develops a coherent internal representation of a description from an initial set of disorganized, ...

  • Automated Assembly Using Feature Localization 

    Unknown author (1986-12-01)
    Automated assembly of mechanical devices is studies by researching methods of operating assembly equipment in a variable manner; that is, systems which may be configured to perform many different assembly operations ...

  • Automated Audio-visual Activity Analysis 

    Unknown author (2005-09-20)
    Current computer vision techniques can effectively monitor gross activities in sparse environments. Unfortunately, visual stimulus is often not sufficient for reliably discriminating between many types of activity. In ...

  • Automated home-cage behavioral phenotyping of mice 

    Unknown author (2009-10-26)
    We describe a trainable computer vision system enabling the automated analysis of complex mouse behaviors. We provide software and a very large manually annotated video database used for training and testing the system. ...

  • Automated Program Description 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-08)
    The Programmer's apprentice (PA) is an automated program development tool. The PA depends upon a library of common algorithms (cliches) as the source of its knowledge about programming. The PA uses these cliches to understand ...

  • Automated Program Recognition 

    Unknown author (1987-02-01)
    The key to understanding a program is recognizing familiar algorithmic fragments and data structures in it. Automating this recognition process will make it easier to perform many tasks which require program understanding, ...

  • Automated Program Recognition by Graph Parsing 

    Unknown author (1992-07-01)
    Recognizing standard computational structures (cliches) in a program can help an experienced programmer understand the program. We develop a graph parsing approach to automating program recognition in which programs ...