Browsing Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) by Title

Now showing items 2355-2374 of 2625

  • A Theory of Computer Instructions 

    Unknown author (1965-09-01)
    This paper has arisen from an attempt to determine the nature of computer instructions from a viewpoint of general function and set theory. Mathematical machines, however the term is understood, are not adequate models for ...

  • Theory of Edge Detection 

    Unknown author (1979-04-01)
    A theory of edge detection is presented.

  • Theory of Handwriting 

    Unknown author (1980-03-01)
    Handwriting production is viewed as a constrained modulation of an underlying oscillatory process. Coupled oscillations in horizontal and vertical directions produce letter forms, and when superimposed on a rightward ...

  • A Theory of How the Brain Might Work 

    Unknown author (1990-12-01)
    I wish to propose a quite speculative new version of the grandmother cell theory to explain how the brain, or parts of it, may work. In particular, I discuss how the visual system may learn to recognize 3D objects. The ...

  • A Theory of Human Stereo Vision 

    Unknown author (1977-11-01)
    An algorithm is proposed for solving the stereoscopic matching problem. The algorithm consists of five steps: 1.) Each image is filtered with bar masks of four sizes that vary with eccentricity; the equivalent filters ...

  • A Theory of Networks for Appxoimation and Learning 

    Unknown author (1989-07-01)
    Learning an input-output mapping from a set of examples, of the type that many neural networks have been constructed to perform, can be regarded as synthesizing an approximation of a multi-dimensional function, that ...

  • A Theory of Plans for Electronic Circuits 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1977-04)
    A plan for a device assigns purposes to each of the more primitive components and explains how these components interact to achieve the desired behavior of the composite device. Such an information structure is critically ...

  • A Theory of Quantitative Inference Applied to a Mechanical Design Compiler 

    Unknown author (1989-01-01)
    This thesis presents the ideas underlying a computer program that takes as input a schematic of a mechanical or hydraulic power transmission system, plus specifications and a utility function, and returns catalog numbers ...

  • Thesis Progress Report: A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledg 

    Unknown author (1975-05-01)
    This paper describes progress to date in the development of a system for representing various forms of real-world knowledge. The knowledge is stored in the form of a net of simple parallel processing elements, which ...

  • Thinking About Lots of Things at Once without Getting Confused: Parallelism in Act 1 

    Unknown author (1981-05-01)
    As advances in computer architecture and changing economics make feasible machines with large-scale parallelism, Artificial Intelligence will require new ways of thinking about computation that can exploit parallelism ...

  • Thread Scheduling Mechanisms for Multiple-Context Parallel Processors 

    Unknown author (1995-06-01)
    Scheduling tasks to efficiently use the available processor resources is crucial to minimizing the runtime of applications on shared-memory parallel processors. One factor that contributes to poor processor utilization ...

  • Three Cuts for Accelerated Interval Propagation 

    Unknown author (1995-05-01)
    This paper addresses the problem of nonlinear multivariate root finding. In an earlier paper we described a system called Newton which finds roots of systems of nonlinear equations using refinements of interval methods. ...

  • A Three Valued Truth Maintenance System 

    Unknown author (1978-05-01)
    Truth maintenance systems have been used in recently developed problem solving systems. A truth maintenance system (TMS) is designed to be used by deductive systems to maintain the logical relations among the beliefs ...

  • Three-Dimensional Correspondence 

    Unknown author (1998-12-01)
    This paper describes the problem of three-dimensional object correspondence and presents an algorithm for matching two three-dimensional colored surfaces using polygon reduction and the minimization of an energy function. ...

  • The Three-Dimensional Interpretation of a Class of Simple Line-Drawings 

    Unknown author (1995-10-01)
    We provide a theory of the three-dimensional interpretation of a class of line-drawings called p-images, which are interpreted by the human vision system as parallelepipeds ("boxes"). Despite their simplicity, p-images ...

  • Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation Using Shading Information in Multiple Frames 

    Unknown author (1989-09-01)
    A new formulation for recovering the structure and motion parameters of a moving patch using both motion and shading information is presented. It is based on a new differential constraint equation (FICE) that links the ...

  • Three-Dimensional Recognition of Solid Objects from a Two-Dimensional Image 

    Unknown author (1988-10-01)
    This thesis addresses the problem of recognizing solid objects in the three-dimensional world, using two-dimensional shape information extracted from a single image. Objects can be partly occluded and can occur in ...

  • A Three-Step Procedure for Language Generation 

    Unknown author (1980-12-01)
    This paper outlines a three-step plan for generating English text from any semantic representation by applying a set of syntactic transformations to a collection of kernel sentences. The paper focuses on describing a ...

  • Throwing Down the Visual Intelligence Gauntlet 

    Unknown author (2012)
    In recent years, scientific and technological advances have produced artificial systems that have matched or surpassed human capabilities in narrow domains such as face detection and optical character recognition. However, ...

  • TIARA: Trust Management, Intrusion-tolerance, Accountability, and Reconstitution Architecture 

    Unknown author (2007-05-30)
    The last 20 years have led to unprecedented improvements in chipdensity and system performance fueled mainly by Moore's Law. Duringthe same time, system and application software have bloated, leadingto unmanageable ...