Browsing Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) by Title

Now showing items 2375-2394 of 2625

  • Time-Frequency Representations for Speech Signals 

    Unknown author (1987-05-01)
    This work addresses two related questions. The first question is what joint time-frequency energy representations are most appropriate for auditory signals, in particular, for speech signals in sonorant regions. The ...

  • Time-Reversible Maxwell's Demon 

    Unknown author (1992-09-01)
    A time-reversible Maxwell's demon is demonstrated which creates a density difference between two chambers initialized to have equal density. The density difference is estimated theoretically and confirmed by computer ...

  • Time-Sharing LISP for the PDP-6 

    Unknown author (1968-03-01)
    This memo written in the style and convention of A.I. memo No. 116A, may be considered an addendum thereto. It should prove to be a welcome updating on the LISP system.

  • Tiny images 

    Unknown author (2007-04-23)
    The human visual system is remarkably tolerant to degradations in image resolution: in a scene recognition task, human performance is similar whether $32 \times 32$ color images or multi-mega pixel images are used. With ...

  • Tomorrow's Surgery: Micromotors and Microrobots 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1992-07)
    Surgical procedures have changed radically over the last few years due to the arrival of new technology. What will technology bring us in the future? This paper examines a few of the forces whose timing are causing new ...

  • Topics in Model Theory 

    Unknown author (1966-01-01)
    The concept of free as in "free group" is generalized to any first order theory. An interesting class of homomorphisms between models is discussed. Relations between model theory and abelian categories are discussed ...

  • Topics in Model Theory 

    Unknown author (1965-05-01)
    The concept of "free" as in free group and free semi-group is extended to arbitrary first order theories. Every consistent theory has free models. Some problems of obtaining a categorical theory of models are discussed.

  • TORTIS: Toddler's Own Recursive Turgle Interpreter System 

    Unknown author (1974-12-01)
    TORTIS is a device for preschool children to communicated with and program the turtle. It consistst of several boxes (currently 3 button boxes and two blox boxes) designed so that only a few new concepts are introduced ...

  • A Tour of MOOS-IvP Autonomy Software Modules 

    Unknown author (2009-02-13)
    This paper provides an overview of the MOOS-IvP autonomy software modules. The MOOS-IvP collection of software, i.e., codebase, described here has been developed and is currently maintained by three organizations - Oxford ...

  • Toward a Computational Theory of Early Visual Processing In Reading 

    Unknown author (1980-09-01)
    This paper is the first of a series aimed at developing a theory of early visual processing in reading. We suggest that there has been a close parallel in the development of theories of reading and theories of vision ...

  • Toward A Model Of Children's Story Comprehension 

    Unknown author (1972-12-01)
    How does a person answer questions about children's stories? For example, consider 'Janet wanted Jack's paints. She looked at the picture he was painting and said 'Those paints make your picture look funny.' The ...

  • Toward a Principle-Based Parser 

    Unknown author (1984-07-01)
    Parser design lags behind linguistic theory. While modern transformational grammar has largely abandoned complex, language-specific rule systems in favor of modular subsystems of principles and parameters, the rule ...

  • Toward a Principle-Based Translator 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1985-06)
    A principle-based computational model of natural language translation consists of two components: (1) a module which makes use of a set of principles and parameters to transform the source language into an annotated surface ...

  • Toward a Probabilistic Approach to Acquiring Information from Human Partners Using Language 

    Unknown author (2012-01-23)
    Our goal is to build robots that can robustly interact with humans using natural language. This problem is extremely challenging because human language is filled with ambiguity, and furthermore, the robot's model of the ...

  • Toward a Remotely-Manned Energy and Production Economy 

    Unknown author (1979-09-01)
    We can solve many problems of Energy, Health, Productivity, and Environmental Quality by improving the technology of remote control. This will produce Nuclear Safety and Security, Advances in Mining, Increases in ...

  • Toward a Requirements Apprentice: On the Boundary Between Informal and Formal Specifications 

    Unknown author (1986-07-01)
    Requirements acquisition is one of the most important and least well supported parts of the software development process. The Requirements Apprentice (RA) will assist a human analyst in the creation and modification ...

  • Toward a Richer Language for Describing Software Errors 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1985-05)
    Several approaches to the meaning and uses of errors in software development are discussed. An experiment involving a strong type-checking language, CLU, is described, and the results discussed in terms of the state of the ...

  • Toward a Surface Primal Sketch 

    Unknown author (1985-04-01)
    This paper reports progress toward the development of a representation of significant surface changes in dense depth maps. We call the representation the Surface Primal Sketch by analogy with representation of intensity ...

  • Toward a Theory of Representation Design 

    Unknown author (1989-05-01)
    This research is concerned with designing representations for analytical reasoning problems (of the sort found on the GRE and LSAT). These problems test the ability to draw logical conclusions. A computer program was ...

  • Toward Secure Services from Untrusted Developers 

    Unknown author (2007-08-06)
    We present a secure service prototype built from untrusted,contributed code.The service manages private data for a variety of different users, anduser programs frequently require access to other users' private data.However, ...