Browsing Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) by Title

Now showing items 241-260 of 2625

  • A Biological Model of Object Recognition with Feature Learning 

    Unknown author (2003-06-01)
    Previous biological models of object recognition in cortex have been evaluated using idealized scenes and have hard-coded features, such as the HMAX model by Riesenhuber and Poggio [10]. Because HMAX uses the same set ...

  • Biologically Plausible Neural Circuits for Realization of Maximum Operations 

    Unknown author (2001-09-01)
    Object recognition in the visual cortex is based on a hierarchical architecture, in which specialized brain regions along the ventral pathway extract object features of increasing levels of complexity, accompanied by greater ...

  • Biologically Plausible Neural Model for the Recognition of Biological Motion and Actions 

    Unknown author (2002-08-01)
    The visual recognition of complex movements and actions is crucial for communication and survival in many species. Remarkable sensitivity and robustness of biological motion perception have been demonstrated in ...

  • Biologically-Inspired Robust Spatial Programming 

    Unknown author (2005-01-18)
    Inspired by the robustness and flexibility of biological systems, we are developing linguistic and programming tools to allow us to program spatial systems populated by vast numbers of unreliable components interconnected ...

  • Biophysics of Computation: Neurons, Synapses and Membranes 

    Unknown author (1984-10-01)
    Synapses, membranes and neurotransmitters play an important role in processing information in the nervous system. We do not know, however, what biophysical mechanisms are critical for neuronal computations, what ...

  • A Birthday Party Frame System 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1977-02)
    This paper is an experimental investigation of the utility of the MIT-AI frames system. Using this system, a birthday party planning system was written, representing the basic decisions that comprise such a plan as frames. ...

  • Block Heavy Hitters 

    Unknown author (2008-05-02)
    e study a natural generalization of the heavy hitters problem in thestreaming context. We term this generalization *block heavy hitters* and define it as follows. We are to stream over a matrix$A$, and report all *rows* ...

  • Body-form and body-pose recognition with a hierarchical model of the ventral stream 

    Unknown author (2013-06-18)
    When learning to recognize a novel body shape, e.g., a panda bear, we are not misled by changes in its pose. A "jumping panda bear" is readily recognized, despite having no prior visual experience with the conjunction of ...

  • Boltzmannn Weighted Selection Improves Performance of Genetic Algorithms 

    Unknown author (1991-12-01)
    Modifiable Boltzmann selective pressure is investigated as a tool to control variability in optimizations using genetic algorithms. An implementation of variable selective pressure, modeled after the use of temperature ...

  • Boolean Classes 

    Unknown author (1986-09-01)
    Object-oriented programming languages all involve the notions of class and object. We extend the notion of class so that any Boolean combination of classes is also a class. Boolean classes allow greater precision and ...

  • BOOM: Broadcast Optimizations for On-chip Meshes 

    Unknown author (2011-03-14)
    Future many-core chips will require an on-chip network that can support broadcasts and multicasts at good power-performance. A vanilla on-chip network would send multiple unicast packets for each broadcast packet, resulting ...

  • Boosting a Biologically Inspired Local Descriptor for Geometry-free Face and Full Multi-view 3D Object Recognition 

    Unknown author (2005-07-07)
    Object recognition systems relying on local descriptors are increasingly used because of their perceived robustness with respect to occlusions and to global geometrical deformations. Descriptors of this type -- based on ...

  • Boosting Image Database Retrieval 

    Unknown author (1999-09-10)
    We present an approach for image database retrieval using a very large number of highly-selective features and simple on-line learning. Our approach is predicated on the assumption that each image is generated by a ...

  • Botz-4-Sale: Surviving Organized DDoS Attacks that Mimic Flash Crowds 

    Unknown author (2004-10-22)
    Recent denial of service attacks are mounted by professionalsusing Botnets of tens of thousands of compromisedmachines. To circumvent detection, attackers areincreasingly moving away from pure bandwidth oods toattacks ...

  • Boundaries and Topological Algorithms 

    Unknown author (1988-09-01)
    This thesis develops a model for the topological structure of situations. In this model, the topological structure of space is altered by the presence or absence of boundaries, such as those at the edges of objects. ...

  • Boundaries of Visual Motion 

    Unknown author (1985-04-01)
    A representation of visual motion convenient for recognition shouldsmake prominent the qualitative differences among simple motions. Wesargue that the first stage in such a motion representation is to makesexplicit ...

  • Bounded CCA2-Secure Non-Malleable Encryption 

    Unknown author (2006-12-14)
    Under an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (CCA2), the security of an encryption scheme must hold against adversaries that have access to a decryption oracle. We consider a weakening of CCA2 security, wherein security ...

  • Bounded-Contention Coding for Wireless Networks in the High SNR Regime 

    Unknown author (2012-08-27)
    Efficient communication in wireless networks is typically challenged by the possibility of interference among several transmitting nodes. Much important research has been invested in decreasing the number of collisions in ...

  • Bridging Theory and Practice in Cache Replacement 

    Unknown author (2015-12-19)
    Much prior work has studied processor cache replacement policies, but a large gap remains between theory and practice. The optimal policy (MIN) requires unobtainable knowledge of the future, and prior theoretically-grounded ...

  • Bridging Utility Maximization and Regret Minimization 

    Unknown author (2013-12-03)
    We relate the strategies obtained by (1) utility maximizers who use regret to refine their set of undominated strategies, and (2) regret minimizers who use weak domination to refine their sets of regret-minimizing strategies.