Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1161-1180 of 2625

  • An Electronic Market-Maker 

    Unknown author (2001-04-17)
    This paper presents an adaptive learning model for market-making under the reinforcement learning framework. Reinforcement learning is a learning technique in which agents aim to maximize the long-term accumulated rewards. ...

  • An Empirical Comparison of SNoW and SVMs for Face Detection 

    Unknown author (2001-01-01)
    Impressive claims have been made for the performance of the SNoW algorithm on face detection tasks by Yang et. al. [7]. In particular, by looking at both their results and those of Heisele et. al. [3], one could infer that ...

  • Policy Improvement for POMDPs Using Normalized Importance Sampling 

    Unknown author (2001-03-20)
    We present a new method for estimating the expected return of a POMDP from experience. The estimator does not assume any knowle ge of the POMDP and allows the experience to be gathered with an arbitrary set of policies. ...

  • Observations on Cortical Mechanisms for Object Recognition andsLearning 

    Unknown author (1993-12-01)
    This paper sketches a hypothetical cortical architecture for visual 3D object recognition based on a recent computational model. The view-centered scheme relies on modules for learning from examples, such as Hyperbf-like ...

  • Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of 3D Affine and Projective Structures from Perspective 2D Views 

    Unknown author (1993-07-01)
    We investigate the differences --- conceptually and algorithmically --- between affine and projective frameworks for the tasks of visual recognition and reconstruction from perspective views. It is shown that an affine ...

  • 3D Object Recognition: Symmetry and Virtual Views 

    Unknown author (1992-12-01)
    Many 3D objects in the world around us are strongly constrained. For instance, not only cultural artifacts but also many natural objects are bilaterally symmetric. Thoretical arguments suggest and psychophysical ...

  • Example Based Image Analysis and Synthesis 

    Unknown author (1993-11-01)
    Image analysis and graphics synthesis can be achieved with learning techniques using directly image examples without physically-based, 3D models. In our technique: -- the mapping from novel images to a vector of "pose" ...

  • Conditions for Viewpoint Dependent Face Recognition 

    Unknown author (1993-08-01)
    Poggio and Vetter (1992) showed that learning one view of a bilaterally symmetric object could be sufficient for its recognition, if this view allows the computation of a symmetric, "virtual," view. Faces are roughly ...

  • Priors Stabilizers and Basis Functions: From Regularization to Radial, Tensor and Additive Splines 

    Unknown author (1993-06-01)
    We had previously shown that regularization principles lead to approximation schemes, as Radial Basis Functions, which are equivalent to networks with one layer of hidden units, called Regularization Networks. In this ...

  • Measure Fields for Function Approximation 

    Unknown author (1993-06-01)
    The computation of a piecewise smooth function that approximates a finite set of data points may be decomposed into two decoupled tasks: first, the computation of the locally smooth models, and hence, the segmentation ...

  • Geometric Structure of the Adaptive Controller of the Human Arm 

    Unknown author (1993-07-01)
    The objects with which the hand interacts with may significantly change the dynamics of the arm. How does the brain adapt control of arm movements to this new dynamic? We show that adaptation is via composition of a ...

  • A Formulation for Active Learning with Applications to Object Detection 

    Unknown author (1996-06-06)
    We discuss a formulation for active example selection for function learning problems. This formulation is obtained by adapting Fedorov's optimal experiment design to the learning problem. We specifically show how to ...

  • Forecasting Global Temperature Variations by Neural Networks 

    Unknown author (1994-08-01)
    Global temperature variations between 1861 and 1984 are forecast usingsregularization networks, multilayer perceptrons and linearsautoregression. The regularization network, optimized by stochasticsgradient descent associated ...

  • The Quadric Reference Surface: Theory and Applications 

    Unknown author (1994-06-01)
    The conceptual component of this work is about "reference surfaces'' which are the dual of reference frames often used for shape representation purposes. The theoretical component of this work involves the question ...

  • Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts and the EM Algorithm 

    Unknown author (1993-08-01)
    We present a tree-structured architecture for supervised learning. The statistical model underlying the architecture is a hierarchical mixture model in which both the mixture coefficients and the mixture components are ...

  • On the Convergence of Stochastic Iterative Dynamic Programming Algorithms 

    Unknown author (1993-08-01)
    Recent developments in the area of reinforcement learning have yielded a number of new algorithms for the prediction and control of Markovian environments. These algorithms, including the TD(lambda) algorithm of Sutton ...

  • How are Three-Deminsional Objects Represented in the Brain? 

    Unknown author (1994-04-01)
    We discuss a variety of object recognition experiments in which human subjects were presented with realistically rendered images of computer-generated three-dimensional objects, with tight control over stimulus shape, ...

  • Reciprocal Interactions Between Motion and Form Perception 

    Unknown author (1995-04-21)
    The processes underlying the perceptual analysis of visual form are believed to have minimal interaction with those subserving the perception of visual motion (Livingstone and Hubel, 1987; Victor and Conte, 1990). ...

  • Learning from Incomplete Data 

    Unknown author (1995-01-24)
    Real-world learning tasks often involve high-dimensional data sets with complex patterns of missing features. In this paper we review the problem of learning from incomplete data from two statistical perspectives---the ...

  • Cooperative Physics of Fly Swarms: An Emergent Behavior 

    Unknown author (1995-04-11)
    We have simulated the behavior of several artificial flies, interacting visually with each other. Each fly is described by a simple tracking system (Poggio and Reichardt, 1973; Land and Collett, 1974) which summarizes ...