Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1241-1260 of 2625

  • A Hierarchical Cache Coherent Protocol 

    Unknown author (1992-09-01)
    As the number of processors in distributed-memory multiprocessors grows, efficiently supporting a shared-memory programming model becomes difficult. We have designed the Protocol for Hierarchical Directories (PHD) to ...

  • Learning from Ambiguity 

    Unknown author (1998-12-01)
    There are many learning problems for which the examples given by the teacher are ambiguously labeled. In this thesis, we will examine one framework of learning from ambiguous examples known as Multiple-Instance learning. ...

  • Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Micromotors 

    Unknown author (1995-06-01)
    This report describes development of micro-fabricated piezoelectric ultrasonic motors and bulk-ceramic piezoelectric ultrasonic motors. Ultrasonic motors offer the advantage of low speed, high torque operation without ...

  • Implementing Distributed Systems Using Linear Naming 

    Unknown author (1993-03-01)
    Linear graph reduction is a simple computational model in which the cost of naming things is explicitly represented. The key idea is the notion of "linearity". A name is linear if it is only used once, so with linear ...

  • Prototype of a Configurable Web-Based Assessment System 

    Unknown author (1996-06-01)
    The MIT Prototype Educational Assessment System provides subjects and courses at MIT with the ability to perform online assessment. The system includes polices to handle harassment and electronic "flaming" while ...

  • Virtual Model Control of a Hexapod Walking Robot 

    Unknown author (1996-12-01)
    Since robots are typically designed with an individual actuator at each joint, the control of these systems is often difficult and non-intuitive. This thesis explains a more intuitive control scheme called Virtual Model ...

  • Virtual Model Control of a Biped Walking Robot 

    Unknown author (1995-12-01)
    The transformation from high level task specification to low level motion control is a fundamental issue in sensorimotor control in animals and robots. This thesis develops a control scheme called virtual model control ...

  • Automated Reasoning About Classical Mechanics 

    Unknown author (1994-05-01)
    In recent years, researchers in artificial intelligence have become interested in replicating human physical reasoning talents in computers. One of the most important skills in this area is predicting how physical ...

  • Intelligence by Design: Principles of Modularity and Coordination for Engineerin 

    Unknown author (2001-09-01)
    All intelligence relies on search --- for example, the search for an intelligent agent's next action. Search is only likely to succeed in resource-bounded agents if they have already been biased towards finding the right ...

  • Generating Communications Systems Through Shared Context 

    Unknown author (2002-01-01)
    In a distributed model of intelligence, peer components need to communicate with one another. I present a system which enables two agents connected by a thick twisted bundle of wires to bootstrap a simple communication ...

  • 2D-3D Rigid-Body Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT Images 

    Unknown author (2001-08-01)
    The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra- operative two-dimensional images provides an improved way of verifying patient position and medical instrument loca- tion. In applications from orthopedics ...

  • Feature Point Detection and Curve Approximation for Early Processing of Freehand Sketches 

    Unknown author (2001-05-01)
    Freehand sketching is both a natural and crucial part of design, yet is unsupported by current design automation software. We are working to combine the flexibility and ease of use of paper and pencil with the processing ...

  • Programmable Self-Assembly: Constructing Global Shape using Biologically-inspire 

    Unknown author (2001-06-01)
    In this thesis I present a language for instructing a sheet of identically-programmed, flexible, autonomous agents (``cells'') to assemble themselves into a predetermined global shape, using local interactions. The ...

  • Modeling, Estimation, and Control of Robot-Soil Interactions 

    Unknown author (2001-09-01)
    This thesis presents the development of hardware, theory, and experimental methods to enable a robotic manipulator arm to interact with soils and estimate soil properties from interaction forces. Unlike the majority of ...

  • Improving Multi-class Text Classification with Naive Bayes 

    Unknown author (2001-09-01)
    There are numerous text documents available in electronic form. More and more are becoming available every day. Such documents represent a massive amount of information that is easily accessible. Seeking value in this huge ...

  • Object Recognition with Pictorial Structures 

    Unknown author (2001-05-01)
    This thesis presents a statistical framework for object recognition. The framework is motivated by the pictorial structure models introduced by Fischler and Elschlager nearly 30 years ago. The basic idea is to model an ...

  • The Architect's Collaborator: Toward Intelligent Tools for Conceptual Design 

    Unknown author (2001-01-01)
    In early stages of architectural design, as in other design domains, the language used is often very abstract. In architectural design, for example, architects and their clients use experiential terms such as "private" ...

  • Predicate Dispatching in the Common Lisp Object System 

    Unknown author (2001-05-01)
    I have added support for predicate dispatching, a powerful generalization of other dispatching mechanisms, to the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). To demonstrate its utility, I used predicate dispatching to enhance Weyl, ...

  • Design and Control of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger with Multi-point Tactile Sensation 

    Unknown author (2001-05-01)
    The goal of this research is to develop the prototype of a tactile sensing platform for anthropomorphic manipulation research. We investigate this problem through the fabrication and simple control of a planar 2-DOF robotic ...

  • The Informational Complexity of Learning from Examples 

    Unknown author (1996-09-01)
    This thesis attempts to quantify the amount of information needed to learn certain tasks. The tasks chosen vary from learning functions in a Sobolev space using radial basis function networks to learning grammars in ...