Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 161-180 of 2625

  • Multiscale Geometric Methods for Data Sets I: Multiscale SVD, Noise and Curvature 

    Unknown author (2012-09-08)
    Large data sets are often modeled as being noisy samples from probability distributions in R^D, with D large. It has been noticed that oftentimes the support M of these probability distributions seems to be well-approximated ...

  • A Social-Welfare Optimal Probabilistic Mechanism for Knightian Single-Good Auctions 

    Unknown author (2012-09-07)
    We provide an optimal probabilistic mechanism for maximizing social welfare in single-good auctions when each player does not know his true valuation for the good, but only a set of valuations that is guaranteed to include ...

  • From Formal Methods to Executable Code 

    Unknown author (2012-08-27)
    The objective of this work is the derivation of software that is verifiably correct. Our approach is to abstract system specifications and model these in a formal framework called Timed Input/Output Automata, which provides ...

  • Bounded-Contention Coding for Wireless Networks in the High SNR Regime 

    Unknown author (2012-08-27)
    Efficient communication in wireless networks is typically challenged by the possibility of interference among several transmitting nodes. Much important research has been invested in decreasing the number of collisions in ...

  • Using Program Synthesis for Social Recommendations 

    Unknown author (2012-08-13)
    This paper presents a new approach to select events of interest to a user in a social media setting where events are generated by the activities of the user's friends through their mobile devices. We argue that given the ...

  • The Order Independence of Iterated Dominance in Extensive Games, with Connections to Mechanism Design and Backward Induction 

    Unknown author (2012-07-31)
    Shimoji and Watson (1998) prove that a strategy of an extensive game is rationalizable in the sense of Pearce if and only if it survives the maximal elimination of conditionally dominated strategies. Briefly, this process ...

  • Patch complexity, finite pixel correlations and optimal denoising 

    Unknown author (2012-10-07)
    Image restoration tasks are ill-posed problems, typically solved withpriors. Since the optimal prior is the exact unknown density of natural images,actual priors are only approximate and typically restricted to small ...

  • Viewstamped Replication Revisited 

    Unknown author (2012-07-23)
    This paper presents an updated version of Viewstamped Replication, a replication technique that handles failures in which nodes crash. It describes how client requests are handled, how the group reorganizes when a replica ...

  • Kintinuous: Spatially Extended KinectFusion 

    Unknown author (2012-07-19)
    In this paper we present an extension to the KinectFusion algorithm that permits dense mesh-based mapping of extended scale environments in real-time. This is achieved through (i) altering the original algorithm such that ...

  • Integrated robot task and motion planning in belief space 

    Unknown author (2012-07-03)
    In this paper, we describe an integrated strategy for planning, perception, state-estimation and action in complex mobile manipulation domains. The strategy is based on planning in the belief space of probability distribution ...

  • Integrated Robot Task and Motion Planning in the Now 

    Unknown author (2012-06-29)
    This paper provides an approach to integrating geometric motion planning with logical task planning for long-horizon tasks in domains with many objects. We propose a tight integration between the logical and geometric ...

  • Epistemic Implementation and The Arbitrary-Belief Auction 

    Unknown author (2012-06-22)
    In settings of incomplete information we put forward an epistemic framework for designing mechanisms that successfully leverage the players' arbitrary higher-order beliefs, even when such beliefs are totally wrong, and ...

  • Throwing Down the Visual Intelligence Gauntlet 

    Unknown author (2012)
    In recent years, scientific and technological advances have produced artificial systems that have matched or surpassed human capabilities in narrow domains such as face detection and optical character recognition. However, ...

  • Optimal Parametric Auctions 

    Unknown author (2012-06-14)
    We study the problem of an auctioneer who wants to maximize her profits. In our model, there are n buyers with private valuations drawn from independent distributions F_1,...,F_n. When these distributions are known to the ...

  • The Levels of Understanding framework, revised 

    Unknown author (2012-05-31)
    I discuss the "levels of understanding" framework described in Marr's Vision and propose a revised and updated version of it to capture the changes in computation and neuroscience over the last 30 years.

  • Temporally Scalable Visual SLAM using a Reduced Pose Graph 

    Unknown author (2012-05-25)
    In this paper, we demonstrate a system for temporally scalable visual SLAM using a reduced pose graph representation. Unlike previous visual SLAM approaches that use keyframes, our approach continually uses new measurements ...

  • A Case for Fine-Grain Adaptive Cache Coherence 

    Unknown author (2012-05-22)
    As transistor density continues to grow geometrically, processor manufacturers are already able to place a hundred cores on a chip (e.g., Tilera TILE-Gx 100), with massive multicore chips on the horizon. Programmers now ...

  • Optimal Parametric Auctions 

    Unknown author (2012-05-08)
    We study the problem of profit maximization in auctions of one good where the buyers' valuations are drawn from independent distributions. When these distributions are known to the seller, Myerson's optimal auction is a ...

  • Preliminary MEG decoding results 

    Unknown author (2012-04-20)
    Decoding analysis has been applied to electrophysiology and fMRI data to study the visual system, however, this method has only been applied to MEG visual data in a few instances. Here we use the Neural Decoding Toolbox ...

  • A Method for Fast, High-Precision Characterization of Synthetic Biology Devices 

    Unknown author (2012-04-07)
    Engineering biological systems with predictable behavior is a foundational goal of synthetic biology. To accomplish this, it is important to accurately characterize the behavior of biological devices. Prior characterization ...