Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 281-300 of 2625

  • Optimizing MapReduce for Multicore Architectures 

    Unknown author (2010-05-02)
    MapReduce is a programming model for data-parallel programs originally intended for data centers. MapReduce simplifies parallel programming, hiding synchronization and task management. These properties make it a promising ...

  • Instruction-Level Execution Migration 

    Unknown author (2010-04-17)
    We introduce the Execution Migration Machine (EM²), a novel data-centric multicore memory system architecture based on computation migration. Unlike traditional distributed memory multicores, which rely on complex cache ...

  • Kongming: A Generative Planner for Hybrid Systems with Temporally Extended Goals 

    Unknown author (2010-04-09)
    Most unmanned missions in space and undersea are commanded by a "script" that specifies a sequence of discrete commands and continuous actions. Currently such scripts are mostly hand-generated by human operators. This ...

  • Generalized Conflict Learning For Hybrid Discrete Linear Optimization 

    Unknown author (2005-05-20)
    Conflict-directed search algorithms have formed the core of practical, model-based reasoning systems for the last three decades. In many of these applications there is a series of discrete constraint optimization problems ...

  • Computational Re-Photography 

    Unknown author (2010-04-07)
    Rephotographers aim to recapture an existing photograph from the same viewpoint. A historical photograph paired with a well-aligned modern rephotograph can serve as a remarkable visualization of the passage of time. However, ...

  • Decoupled Sampling for Real-Time Graphics Pipelines 

    Unknown author (2010-03-29)
    We propose decoupled sampling, an approach that decouples shading from visibility sampling in order to enable motion blur and depth-of-field at reduced cost. More generally, it enables extensions of modern real-time graphics ...

  • Relational Cloud: The Case for a Database Service 

    Unknown author (2010-03-14)
    In this paper, we make the case for â databases as a serviceâ (DaaS), with two target scenarios in mind: (i) consolidation of data management functionality for large organizations and (ii) outsourcing data management ...

  • CNS: a GPU-based framework for simulating cortically-organized networks 

    Unknown author (2010-02-26)
    Computational models whose organization is inspired by the cortex are increasing in both number and popularity. Current instances of such models include convolutional networks, HMAX, Hierarchical Temporal Memory, and deep ...

  • Performance and error analysis of three part of speech taggers on health texts 

    Unknown author (2010-02-25)
    Increasingly, natural language processing (NLP) techniques are being developed and utilized in a variety of biomedical domains. Part of speech tagging is a critical step in many NLP applications. Currently, we are developing ...

  • Efficient Cache Coherence on Manycore Optical Networks 

    Unknown author (2010-02-11)
    Ever since industry has turned to parallelism instead of frequency scaling to improve processor performance, multicore processors have continued to scale to larger and larger numbers of cores. Some believe that multicores ...

  • Core Count vs Cache Size for Manycore Architectures in the Cloud 

    Unknown author (2010-02-11)
    The number of cores which fit on a single chip is growing at an exponential rate while off-chip main memory bandwidth is growing at a linear rate at best. This core count to off-chip bandwidth disparity causes per-core ...

  • Automatic Parallelization With Statistical Accuracy Bounds 

    Unknown author (2010-02-10)
    Traditional parallelizing compilers are designed to generate parallel programs that produce identical outputs as the original sequential program. The difficulty of performing the program analysis required to satisfy this ...

  • The Cost of Global Broadcast Using Abstract MAC Layers 

    Unknown author (2010-02-09)
    We analyze greedy algorithms for broadcasting messages throughout a multi-hop wireless network, using a slot-based model that includes message collisions without collision detection. Our algorithms are split formally into ...

  • An Operating System for Multicore and Clouds: Mechanisms and Implementation 

    Unknown author (2010-02-08)
    Cloud computers and multicore processors are two emerging classes of computational hardware that have the potential to provide unprecedented compute capacity to the average user. In order for the user to effectively harness ...

  • Submodular Secretary Problem and Extensions 

    Unknown author (2010-02-01)
    Online auction is an essence of many modern markets, particularly networked markets, in which information about goods, agents, and outcomes is revealed over a period of time, and the agents must make irrevocable decisions ...

  • SWIFT: A Narrowband-Friendly Cognitive Wideband Network 

    Unknown author (2008-08-17)
    Wideband technologies in the unlicensed spectrum can satisfy the ever-increasing demands for wireless bandwidth created by emerging rich media applications. The key challenge for such systems, however, is to allow narrowband ...

  • Selective Vectorization for Short-Vector Instructions 

    Unknown author (2009-12-18)
    Multimedia extensions are nearly ubiquitous in today's general-purpose processors. These extensions consist primarily of a set of short-vector instructions that apply the same opcode to a vector of operands. Vector ...

  • Advancing Computational Models of Narrative 

    Belief Dynamics; Whitman Richards (2009-12-17)
    Report of a Workshop held at the Wylie Center, Beverly, MA, Oct 8-10 2009

  • The Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing 

    Unknown author (2009-12-16)
    This paper introduces the video mesh, a data structure for representing video as 2.5D "paper cutouts." The video mesh allows interactive editing of moving objects and modeling of depth, which enables 3D effects and ...

  • Perfect and General Virtual Implementation For Perfectly Informed Players 

    Unknown author (2009-12-04)
    We show that, when the players are perfectly informed about each other, essentially all social-choice functions can be rationally robustly implemented via an extensive-form public-action mechanism that (1) is perfectly ...