Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 561-580 of 2625

  • Automated Program Description 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-08)
    The Programmer's apprentice (PA) is an automated program development tool. The PA depends upon a library of common algorithms (cliches) as the source of its knowledge about programming. The PA uses these cliches to understand ...

  • ACE: A Cliché-based Program Structure Editor 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1987-05)
    ACE extends the syntax-directed paradigm of program editing by adding support for programming clichés. A programming cliché is a standard algorithmic fragment. ACE supports the rapid construction of programs through the ...

  • Getting Started Computing at the AI Lab 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-09-07)
    This document describes the computing facilities at M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and explains how to get started using them. It is intended as an orientation document for newcomers to the lab, and will be ...

  • TRIG: An Interactive Robotic Teach System 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-06)
    Currently, it is difficult for a non-programmer to generate a complex sensor-based robotic program. Most robot programming methods either generate only very simple programs or are such that they are only useful to programmers. ...

  • Discovery Systems: From AM to CYRANO 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1987-03)
    The emergence in 1976 of Doug Lenat's mathematical discovery program AM [Len76] [Len82a] was met with suprise and controversy; AM's performance seemed to bring the dream of super-intelligent machines to our doorstep, with ...

  • Code Generation in the Programmer's Apprentice 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-05)
    The Programmer's Apprentice is a highly interactive program development tool. The user interface to the system relies on program text which is generated from an internal plan representation. The programs generated need to ...

  • Aspects of the Rover Problem 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-12)
    The basic task of a rover is to move about automonously in an unknown environment. A working rover must have the following three subsystems which interact in various ways: 1) locomotion--the ability to move, 2) perception--the ...

  • Knowledge-Based Schematics Drafting: Aesthetic Configuration as a Design Task 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1987-01)
    Depicting an electrical circuit by a schematic is a tedious task that is a good candidate for automation. Programs that draft schematics with the usual algorithmic approach do not fully exploit knowledge of circuit function, ...

  • Hidden Cues in Random Line Stereograms 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-04)
    Successful fusion of random-line stereograms with breaks in the vernier acuity range has been interpreted to suggest that the interpolation process underlying hyperacuity is parallel and preliminary to stereomatching. In ...

  • A Primer for TEX Users 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-03)
    TEX is our latest text formatter. It is designed specifically for technical text (e.g., mathematics), and produces much higher quality output than other formatters previously available. Donald Knuth designed TEX at Stanford ...

  • Critical Analysis of Programming in Societies of Behaviors 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1986-12)
    Programming in societies of behavior-agents is emerging as a promising method for creating mobile robot control systems that are responsive both to internal priorities for action and to external world constraints. It is ...

  • Report on the Second Workshop on Distributed AI 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-01)
    On June 24, 1981 twenty-five participants from organizations around the country gathered in MIT's Endicott House for the Second Annual Workshop on Distributed AI. The three-day workshop was designed as an informal meeting, ...

  • A Guide to ITS Operations: Useful Spells and Incantations 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-01-27)
    It is said that it is not wise to dabble in the Arts without care and caution, for the spell is at once subtle and dangerous: Look herein! For if you read carefully and closely, you can incant a Word of Magic, and the ...

  • A Requirements Analyst's Apprentice: A Proposal 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1986-09)
    The Requirements Analyst's APprentice (RAAP) partially automates the modeling process involved in creating a software requirement. It uses knowledge of the specific domain and general experience regarding software requirements ...

  • The Assq Chip and Its Progeny 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-01)
    The Assq Chip lives on the memory bus of the Scheme-81 chip of Sussman et al and serves as a utility for the computation of a number of functions concerned with the maintenance of linear tables and lists. Motivated by a ...

  • Program Understanding through Cliché Recognition 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1981-12)
    We propose research into automatic program understanding via recognition of common data structures and algorithms (clichés). Our goals are two-fold: first, to develop a theory of program structure which makes such recognition ...

  • Readable Layout of Unbalanced N-ary Trees 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1986-08)
    The automatic layout of unbounded n-ary tree structures is a problem of subjectively meshing two independent goals: clarity and space efficiency. This paper presents a minimal set of subjective aesthetics which insures ...

  • Programming Cliches and Cliche Extraction 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1982-02)
    The programmer's apprentice (PA) is an automated program development tool. The PA depends upon a library of common algorithms (cliches) as the source of its knowledge about programming. The PA can be made more usable if ...

  • Representing Constraint Systems with Omega 

    Unknown author (1981-11)
    This paper considers two constraint systems, that of Steele and Sussman, and Alan Borning's Thinglab. Some functional difficulties in these systems are discussed. A representation of constraint systems using the description ...

  • A Primer for the Act-1 Language 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1981-06)
    This document is intended to describe the current design for computer programming language, Act-1. It describes the Actor computational model, which Act-1 was designed to support. A perspective is provided from which to ...