Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 721-740 of 2625

  • Unsupervised Distributed Feature Selection for Multi-view Object Recognition 

    Unknown author (2008-02-17)
    Object recognition accuracy can be improved when information frommultiple views is integrated, but information in each view can oftenbe highly redundant. We consider the problem of distributed objectrecognition or indexing ...

  • Making Medical Records More Resilient 

    Unknown author (2008-02-17)
    Hurricane Katrina showed that the current methods for handling medicalrecords are minimally resilient to large scale disasters. This research presents a preliminary model for measuring the resilience of medical records ...

  • Wicked Problems and Gnarly Results: Reflecting on Design and Evaluation Methods for Idiosyncratic Personal Information Management Tasks 

    Unknown author (2008-02-10)
    This paper is a case study of an artifact design and evaluation process; it is a reflection on how right thinking about design methods may at times result in sub-optimal results. Our goal has been to assess our decision ...

  • Finding Bugs In Dynamic Web Applications 

    Unknown author (2008-02-06)
    Web script crashes and malformed dynamically-generated web pages are common errors, and they seriously impact usability of web applications. Currenttools for web-page validation cannot handle the dynamically-generatedpages ...

  • WaveScript: A Case-Study in Applying a Distributed Stream-Processing Language 

    Unknown author (2008-01-31)
    Applications that combine live data streams with embedded, parallel,and distributed processing are becoming more commonplace. WaveScriptis a domain-specific language that brings high-level, type-safe,garbage-collected ...

  • Cabernet: A Content Delivery Network for Moving Vehicles 

    Unknown author (2008-01-17)
    This paper describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of Cabernet, a system to deliver data to and from moving vehicles using open 802.11 (WiFi) access points encountered opportunistically during travel. Network ...

  • Exact Algorithms for the Canadian Traveller Problem on Paths and Trees 

    Unknown author (2008-01-28)
    The Canadian Traveller problem is a stochastic shortest paths problem in which one learns the cost of an edge only when arriving at one of its endpoints. The goal is to find an adaptive policy (adjusting as one learns more ...

  • Simulation of Human Motion Data using Short-Horizon Model-Predictive Control 

    Unknown author (2008-01-15)
    Many data-driven animation techniques are capable of producing high quality motions of human characters. Few techniques, however, are capable of generating motions that are consistent with physically simulated environments. ...

  • Theories in Practice: Easy-to-Write Specifications that Catch Bugs 

    Unknown author (2008-01-14)
    Automated testing during development helps ensure that software works according to the test suite. Traditional test suites verify a few well-picked scenarios or example inputs. However, such example-based testing does not ...

  • Sparse recovery using sparse matrices 

    Unknown author (2008-01-10)
    We consider the approximate sparse recovery problem, where the goal is to (approximately) recover a high-dimensional vector x from its lower-dimensional sketch Ax. A popular way of performing this recovery is by finding ...

  • Relational Envelope-based Planning 

    Unknown author (2007-12-31)
    This thesis proposes a synthesis of logic and probability for solving stochastic sequential decision-making problems. We address two main questions: How can we take advantage of logical structure to speed up planning in a ...

  • Views on Vision 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1971-02)

  • The Object Partition Problem 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1971-02)

  • Feature Point Generation Programs 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1971)
    The programs in this set extract, from a raster of intensity values over some scene, a set of points which are adjudged to lie along the boundaries of objects in the scene. Intensities may be obtained directly from the new ...

  • The Line Verifier GVERIFY1 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1971)
    A line verifier is presented which, given the co-ordinates of the end points of the hypothesized line, returns a (possibly) more accurate version of the end points, together with an estimate of the probability that there ...

  • Learning complex cell invariance from natural videos: A plausibility proof 

    Unknown author (2007-12-26)
    One of the most striking feature of the cortex is its ability to wire itself. Understanding how the visual cortex wires up through development and how visual experience refines connections into adulthood is a key question ...

  • Report on the Probabilistic Language Scheme 

    Unknown author (2007-10-22)
    Reasoning with probabilistic models is a widespread andsuccessful technique in areas ranging from computer vision, to naturallanguage processing, to bioinformatics. Currently, these reasoningsystems are either coded from ...

  • Team MIT Urban Challenge Technical Report 

    Unknown author (2007-12-14)
    This technical report describes Team MIT s approach to theDARPA Urban Challenge. We have developed a novel strategy forusing many inexpensive sensors, mounted on the vehicle periphery,and calibrated with a new cross-­modal ...

  • The L%LINES Package 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1971)
    The program (L%LINES X Y) takes feature point output from the FP%FPOINTS program (q.v.) for horizontal and vertical scans (X and Y respectively); and outputs a list consisting of two lists of line segments, represented in ...

  • Quantitative Information Flow as Network Flow Capacity 

    Unknown author (2007-12-10)
    We present a new technique for determining how much information abouta program's secret inputs is revealed by its public outputs. Incontrast to previous techniques based on reachability from secretinputs (tainting), it ...