Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 761-780 of 2625

  • Using The Barton Libraries Dataset As An RDF benchmark 

    Unknown author (2007-07-06)
    This report describes the Barton Libraries RDF dataset and Longwell querybenchmark that we use for our recent VLDB paper on Scalable Semantic WebData Management Using Vertical Partitioning.

  • Table 2 (Supplemental): Complete data for all 100 expression programs discovered by GeneProgram from the Novartis Gene Atlas v2 

    Unknown author (2007-06-25)
    Table 2 (Supplemental): Complete data for all 100 recurrent expression programs (EPs) discovered by GeneProgram. Each EP has two identifying rows, a list of meta-genes, and a list of significantly enriched GO categories. ...

  • Table 1 (Supplemental): Summary of expression programs discovered by GeneProgram from Novartis Tissue Atlas v2 data 

    Unknown author (2007-06-25)
    Table 1 (Supplemental): Summary of recurrent expression programs (EPs) discovered by GeneProgram. The columns are: (1) the EP identifier (an arbitrarily assigned number), (2) the number of genes in the EP, (3) the number ...

  • Stateful Anycast for DDoS Mitigation 

    Unknown author (2007-06-21)
    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks can easily cripple victim hosts or networks, yet effective defenses remain elusive. Normal anycast can be used to force the diffusion of attack traffic over a group of several ...

  • Information Accountability 

    Unknown author (2007-06-13)
    Ease of information flow is both the boon and the bane of large-scale, decentralized systems like the World Wide Web. For all the benefits and opportunities brought by the information revolution, with that same revolution ...

  • The Psychophysiology of Risk Processing and Decision Making at a Regional Stock Exchange 

    Unknown author (2007-06-12)
    A longstanding controversy in philosophy is whether decision-making isgoverned by reason or emotion. I study the role of physiologicalresponses in the decision-making process within the realm of financialmarkets, where ...

  • An Analysis of Posynomial MOSFET Models Using Genetic Algorithms and Visualization 

    Unknown author (2007-06-05)
    Analog designers are interested in optimization tools which automate the process of circuit sizing. Geometric programming, which uses posynomial models of MOSFET parameters, represents one such tool. Genetic algorithms ...

  • CAPRI: A Common Architecture for Distributed Probabilistic Internet Fault Diagnosis 

    Unknown author (2007-06-04)
    This thesis presents a new approach to root cause localization and fault diagnosis in the Internet based on a Common Architecture for Probabilistic Reasoning in the Internet (CAPRI) in which distributed, heterogeneous ...

  • Amorphous Computing 

    Unknown author (2007)
    The goal of amorphous computing is to identify organizationalprinciples and create programming technologies for obtainingintentional, pre-specified behavior from the cooperation of myriadunreliable parts that are arranged ...

  • Local Geometry of Multiattribute Tradeoff Preferences 

    Unknown author (2007-02-01)
    Existing preference reasoning systems have been successful insimple domains. Broader success requires more natural and moreexpressive preference representations. This thesis develops arepresentation of logical preferences ...

  • TIARA: Trust Management, Intrusion-tolerance, Accountability, and Reconstitution Architecture 

    Unknown author (2007-05-30)
    The last 20 years have led to unprecedented improvements in chipdensity and system performance fueled mainly by Moore's Law. Duringthe same time, system and application software have bloated, leadingto unmanageable ...

  • Beyond the Bits: Cooperative Packet Recovery Using Physical Layer Information 

    Unknown author (2007-05-29)
    Wireless networks can suffer from high packet loss rates. This paper shows that the loss rate can be significantly reduced by exposing information readily available at the physical layer. We make the physical layer convey ...

  • The Creation of OpenCourseWare at MIT 

    Unknown author (2007-05-19)
    This paper traces the genesis of the MIT OpenCourseWare project from its initial strategic precursors in 1999 and 2000, through its launch in 2001 and its subsequent evolution. The story told here illuminates the interplay ...

  • Developmental Cost for Models of Intelligence 

    Unknown author (2007-05-15)
    We can evaluate models of natural intelligence, as well as theirindividual components, by using a model of hardware and developmentcosts, ignoring almost all the details of biology. The basic argumentis that neither the ...

  • Notes on Regularized Least Squares 

    Unknown author (2007-05-01)
    This is a collection of information about regularized least squares (RLS). The facts here are not new results , but we have not seen them usefully collected together before. A key goal of this work is to demonstrate that ...

  • Tiny images 

    Unknown author (2007-04-23)
    The human visual system is remarkably tolerant to degradations in image resolution: in a scene recognition task, human performance is similar whether $32 \times 32$ color images or multi-mega pixel images are used. With ...

  • Principles for Engineered Emergence (slides) 

    Unknown author (2007-04-12)
    Principles for Engineered EmergenceIt is difficult to establish engineering control over the behavior ofaggregates of unreliable devices with complicated interactionpatterns. I take a linguistic view of this problem, ...

  • Self-Adaptive Systems for Information Survivability: PMOP and AWDRAT 

    Unknown author (2007-04-10)
    Information systems form the backbones of the critical infrastructures of modern societies. Unfortunately, these systems are highly vulnerable to attacks that can result in enormous damage. Furthermore, traditional approaches ...

  • A Few Days of A Robot's Life in the Human's World: Toward Incremental Individual Recognition 

    Unknown author (2007-04-03)
    This thesis presents an integrated framework and implementation for Mertz, an expressive robotic creature for exploring the task of face recognition through natural interaction in an incremental and unsupervised fashion. ...

  • Discriminative Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Classification 

    Unknown author (2007-03-28)
    Supervised learning is difficult with high dimensional input spacesand very small training sets, but accurate classification may bepossible if the data lie on a low-dimensional manifold. GaussianProcess Latent Variable ...