Browsing by Title

Now showing items 3523-3542 of 4790

  • Refactoring learning management systems for multi-device use in developing countries 

    Ssekakubo, Grace (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2015)
    Although learning management systems (LMSs) have been widely adopted by universities in developing countries, their potential to support students' learning has not been fully exploited due to several factors. Some of the ...

  • Refactoring Sequential Java Code for Concurrency via Concurrent Libraries 

    Unknown author (2008-09-30)
    Parallelizing existing sequential programs to run efficiently on multicores is hard. The Java 5 packagejava.util.concurrent (j.u.c.) supports writing concurrent programs: much of the complexity of writing threads-safe and ...

  • Reflectance Map Techniques for Analyzing Surface Defects in Metal Castings 

    Unknown author (1978-06-01)
    This report explores the relation between image intensity and object shape. It is shown that image intensity is related to surface orientation and that a variation in image intensity is related to surface curvature. ...

  • Regimes of polymer behaviour in drop-on-demand ink-jetting 

    Hoath, Stephen Daniel; Hutchings, Ian Michael; Harlen, OG; McIIroy, C; Morrison, NF (2012)

  • Region-Based Feature Interpretation for Recognizing 3D Models in 2D Images 

    Unknown author (1991-06-01)
    In model-based vision, there are a huge number of possible ways to match model features to image features. In addition to model shape constraints, there are important match-independent constraints that can efficiently ...

  • Regularization Predicts While Discovering Taxonomy 

    Unknown author (2011-06-03)
    In this work we discuss a regularization framework to solve multi-category when the classes are described by an underlying class taxonomy. In particular we discuss how to learn the class taxonomy while learning a multi-category ...

  • Regularization Theory and Shape Constraints 

    Unknown author (1986-09-01)
    Many problems of early vision are ill-posed; to recover unique stable solutions regularization techniques can be used. These techniques lead to meaningful results, provided that solutions belong to suitable compact ...

  • Regularization Through Feature Knock Out 

    Unknown author (2004-11-12)
    In this paper, we present and analyze a novel regularization technique based on enhancing our dataset with corrupted copies of the original data. The motivation is that since the learning algorithm lacks information about ...

  • A Regularized Solution to Edge Detection 

    Unknown author (1985-04-01)
    We consider edge detection as the problem of measuring and localizing changes of light intensity in the image. As discussed by Torre and Poggio (1984), edge detection, when defined in this way, is an ill-posed problem ...

  • Regulating financial conglomerates 

    Freixas, Xavier; Lóránth, Gyöngyi; Morrison, Alan D (CFAP, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, 2005)
    We investigate the optimal regulation of financial conglomerates which combine a bank and a non-bank financial institution. The conglomerate’s risk-taking incentives depend upon the level of market discipline it faces, ...

  • Reification without Evaluation 

    Unknown author (1988-06-01)
    Constructing self-referential systems, such as Brian Smith's 3-Lisp language, is actually more straightforward than you think. Anyone can build an infinite tower of processors (where each processor implements the ...

  • Reinforcement Learning by Policy Search 

    Unknown author (2003-02-14)
    One objective of artificial intelligence is to model the behavior of an intelligent agent interacting with its environment. The environment's transformations can be modeled as a Markov chain, whose state is partially ...

  • A Reinforcement-Learning Approach to Power Management 

    Unknown author (2002-05-01)
    We describe an adaptive, mid-level approach to the wireless device power management problem. Our approach is based on reinforcement learning, a machine learning framework for autonomous agents. We describe how our ...

  • The Relation Between Proximity and Brightness Similarity in Dot Patterns 

    Unknown author (1982-05-01)
    The Gestalt studies demonstrated the tendency to visually organize dots on the basis of similarity, proximity, and global properties such as closure, good continuation, and symmetry. The particular organization imposed ...

  • Relational Cloud: The Case for a Database Service 

    Unknown author (2010-03-14)
    In this paper, we make the case for â databases as a serviceâ (DaaS), with two target scenarios in mind: (i) consolidation of data management functionality for large organizations and (ii) outsourcing data management ...

  • Relational Envelope-based Planning 

    Unknown author (2007-12-31)
    This thesis proposes a synthesis of logic and probability for solving stochastic sequential decision-making problems. We address two main questions: How can we take advantage of logical structure to speed up planning in a ...

  • Relations of the spaces Ap (Ω) and C p (∂Ω) 

    Georgakopoulos, N; Mastrantonis, V; Nestoridis, V
    Let Ω be a Jordan domain in C, J an open arc of ∂Ω and φ : D → Ω a Riemann map from the open unit disk D onto Ω. Under certain assumptions on φ we prove that if a holomorphic function f ∈ H(Ω) extends continuously on Ω ∪ ...

  • Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications 

    Unknown author (1994-06-01)
    We propose an affine framework for perspective views, captured by a single extremely simple equation based on a viewer-centered invariant we call "relative affine structure". Via a number of corollaries of our main ...

  • Relative Contributions of Internal and External Features to Face Recognition 

    Unknown author (2003-03-01)
    The central challenge in face recognition lies in understanding the role different facial features play in our judgments of identity. Notable in this regard are the relative contributions of the internal (eyes, nose and ...

  • Relative Orientation 

    Unknown author (1987-09-01)
    Before corresponding points in images taken with two cameras can be used to recover distances to objects in a scene, one has to determine the position and orientation of one camera relative to the other. This is the ...