Browsing by Title

Now showing items 3738-3757 of 4790

  • A Selected Descriptor-Indexed Bibliography to the Literature on Belief Revision 

    Unknown author (1980-02-01)
    This article presents an overview of research in an area loosely called belief revision. Belief revision concentrates on the issue of revising systems of beliefs to reflect perceived changes in the environment or ...

  • Selecting One Among the Many: A Simple Network Implementing Shifts in Selective Visual Attention 

    Unknown author (1984-01-01)
    This study addresses the question of how simple networks can account for a variety of phenomena associated with the shift of a specialized processing focus across the visual scene. We address in particular aspects of ...

  • Selecting Refining and Evaluating Properties for Program Analysis 

    Unknown author (2003-07-21)
    This research proposes and evaluates techniques for selectingpredicates for conditional program properties thatis, implications such as p ) q whose consequent must betrue whenever the predicate is true. Conditional ...

  • Selecting Relevant Genes with a Spectral Approach 

    Unknown author (2004-01-27)
    Array technologies have made it possible to record simultaneouslythe expression pattern of thousands of genes. A fundamental problemin the analysis of gene expression data is the identification ofhighly relevant genes that ...

  • Selecting Relevant Genes with a Spectral Approach 

    Unknown author (2004-01-27)
    Array technologies have made it possible to record simultaneously the expression pattern of thousands of genes. A fundamental problem in the analysis of gene expression data is the identification of highly relevant genes ...

  • Selection of the Right Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid for Unconventional Reservoir Engineering 

    Adjei, Gloria (AUST, 2019-07-12)
    Unconventional resources are of major importance to the oil and gas industry due to its enormousness, however, due to the low permeability of these resources, there is a need for hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing ...

  • Selective cation-exchange adsorption of the two major whey proteins 

    El-Sayed, Mayyada (University of CambridgeDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, 2010-03-16)
    Whey is a by-product of cheese manufacture, containing a mixture of proteins of commercial value, each having unique attributes for nutritional, biological and food ingredient applications. A tremendous amount of whey, ...

  • Selective Vectorization for Short-Vector Instructions 

    Unknown author (2009-12-18)
    Multimedia extensions are nearly ubiquitous in today's general-purpose processors. These extensions consist primarily of a set of short-vector instructions that apply the same opcode to a vector of operands. Vector ...

  • Selectivity of Local Field Potentials in Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex 

    Unknown author (2004-09-21)
    While single neurons in inferior temporal (IT) cortex show differential responses to distinct complex stimuli, little is known about the responses of populations of neurons in IT. We recorded single electrode data, including ...

  • Self Calibration of Motion and Stereo Vision for Mobile RobotsNavigation 

    Unknown author (1987-08-01)
    We report on experiments with a mobile robot using one vision process (forward motion vision) to calibrate another (stereo vision) without resorting to any external units of measurement. Both are calibrated to a velocity ...

  • Self-Adaptive Systems for Information Survivability: PMOP and AWDRAT 

    Unknown author (2007-04-10)
    Information systems form the backbones of the critical infrastructures of modern societies. Unfortunately, these systems are highly vulnerable to attacks that can result in enormous damage. Furthermore, traditional approaches ...

  • Self-organisation of confined active matter 

    Wioland, Hugo (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 2015-06-09)
    Active matter theory studies the collective behaviour of self-propelled organisms or objects. Although the field has made great progress in the past decade, little is known of the role played by confinement and surfaces. ...

  • A Self-Organizing Multiple-View Representation of 3D Objects 

    Unknown author (1989-08-01)
    We explore representation of 3D objects in which several distinct 2D views are stored for each object. We demonstrate the ability of a two-layer network of thresholded summation units to support such representations. Using ...

  • Self-similar Breakup of Near-inviscid Fluids 

    Castrejon-Pita, Jose Rafael; Castrejon-Pita, Alfonso Arturo; Hinch, Edward John; Lister, John Ronald; Hutchings, Ian Michael (2012)

  • Self-similar mixing in stratified plane Couette flow for varying Prandtl number 

    Zhou, Qi; Taylor, John Ryan; Caulfield, Colm-cille Patrick (Cambridge University PressJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017-06-10)
    We investigate fully developed turbulence in stratified plane Couette flows using direct numerical simulations similar to those reported by Deusebio et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 781, 2015, pp. 298-329) expanding the range ...

  • Self-Stabilizing Message Routing in Mobile ad hoc Networks 

    Unknown author (2009-01-28)
    We present a self-stabilizing algorithm for routing messages between arbitrary pairs of nodes in a mobile ad hoc network. Our algorithm assumes the availability of a reliable GPS service, which supplies mobile nodes with ...

  • Self-Stabilizing Mobile Node Location Management and Message 

    Unknown author (2005-08-11)
    We present simple algorithms for achieving self-stabilizing locationmanagement and routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. While mobile clients maybe susceptible to corruption and stopping failures, mobile networks areoften ...

  • The Semantic Component of PAL: The Personal Assistant Language Understanding Program 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1977-03)
    This paper summarizes the design and implementation of the "semantics" module of a natural language undertanding system for the personal assistant domain. This module includes mappings to deep frames, noun phrase referencing ...

  • The semantic database model as a basis for an automated database design tool 

    Berman, Sonia (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 1983)
    The automatic database design system is a design aid for network database creation. It obtains a requirements specification from a user and generates a prototype database. This database is compatible with the Data Definition ...

  • Semantic optimisation in datalog programs 

    Wassell, Mark P (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 1990)
    Datalog is the fusion of Prolog and Database technologies aimed at producing an efficient, logic-based, declarative language for databases. This fusion takes the best of logic programming for the syntax of Datalog, and the ...