Browsing by Title

Now showing items 4118-4137 of 4790

  • Symbolic Error Analysis and Robot Planning 

    Unknown author (1982-09-01)
    A program to control a robot manipulator for industrial assembly operations must take into account possible errors in parts placement and tolerances of the parts themselves. Previous approaches to this problem have been ...

  • Symbolic Evaluation Using Conceptual Representations for Programs with Side-Effects 

    Unknown author (1976-12-01)
    Symbolic evaluation is a process which abstractly evaluates an program on abstract data. A formalism based on conceptual representations is proposed as a specification language for programs with side-effects. Relations ...

  • Symbolic Execution for (Almost) Free: Hijacking an Existing Implementation to Perform Symbolic Execution 

    Unknown author (2014-04-22)
    Symbolic execution of a language is traditionally achieved by replacing the language s interpreter with an entirely new interpreter. This may be an unnecessary burden, and it is tempting instead to try to use as much of ...

  • Symbolic Integration 

    Unknown author (1966-06-01)
    A program has been written which is capable of integrating all but two of the problems solved by the Siagle's symbollic integration program SAINT. In contrast to SAINT, it is a purely algorithmic program and it has ...

  • Symbolic Integration 

    Unknown author (1967-09-01)
    SIN and SOLDIER are heuristic programs in LISP which solve symbolic integration problems. SIN (Symbolic INtegrator) solves indefinite integration problems at the difficulty approaching those in the larger integral ...

  • Symbolic Integration II 

    Unknown author (1966-10-01)
    In this memo we describe the current state of the integration program originally described in AI Memo 97 (MAC-M-310). Familiarity with Memo 97 is assumed. Some of the algorithms described in that memo have been extended. ...

  • Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory 

    Unknown author (1967-01-01)
    A large computer program has been developed to aid applied mathematicians in the solution of problems in non-numerical analysis which involve tedious manipulations of mathematical expressions. The mathematician uses ...

  • Symbolic techniques for the performance analysis of generalised stochastic petri nets 

    Davies, Ian (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2001)
    Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) have been successfully used in sequential circuit theory, VLSI, and model checking. They form a highly memory efficient canonical representation of a Boolean function. In this dissertation, ...

  • Symmetric polynomials in information theory: entropy and subentropy 

    Jozsa, Richard; Mitchison, Graeme (AIP PublishingJournal of Mathematical Physics, 2015-06-12)
    Entropy and other fundamental quantities of information theory are customarily expressed and manipulated as functions of probabilities. Here we study the entropy H and subentropy Q as functions of the elementary symmetric ...

  • Symmetric Set Theory: A General Theory of Isomorphism, Abstraction, and Representation 

    Unknown author (1983-08-01)
    It is possible to represent a finite set of points (atoms) by a finite sequence of points. However a finite set of points has no distinguished member and therefore it is impossible to define a function which takes a ...

  • Symmetric structures in Banach spaces 

    Gowers, William T. (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical StatisticsTrinity College, 1990-02-20)

  • Symmetries and geometrical properties of dynamical fluctuations in molecular dynamics 

    Jack, Robert Logan; Kaiser, M; Zimmer, J (Entropy, 2017-10-01)
    We describe some general results that constrain the dynamical fluctuations that can occur in non-equilibrium steady states, with a focus on molecular dynamics. That is, we consider Hamiltonian systems, coupled to external ...

  • Symmetry in monotone Lagrangian Floer theory 

    Smith, Jack Edward (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical StatisticsTrinity College, 2017-10-01)
    In this thesis we study the self-Floer theory of a monotone Lagrangian submanifold $L$ of a closed symplectic manifold $X$ in the presence of various kinds of symmetry. First we consider the group $\mathrm{Symp}(X, L)$ ...

  • Synapses That Compute Motion 

    Unknown author (1987-06-01)
    Biophysics of computation is a new field that attempts to characterize the role in information processing of the several biophysical mechanisms in neurons, synapses, and membranes that have been uncovered in recent ...

  • Synchronisation of financial crises 

    Dungey, Mardi; Jacobs, Jan P A M; Lestano (CFAP, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, 2005-08)
    This paper develops concordance indices for studying the simultaneous occurrence of financial crises. The indices are designed to cope with these typically low incidence events. This leads us to confine attention to ...

  • Synchronizable Series Expressions: Part II: Overview of the Theory and Implementation 

    Unknown author (1987-11-01)
    The benefits of programming in a functional style are well known. In particular, algorithms that are expressed as compositions of functions operating on series/vectors/streams of data elements are much easier to ...

  • Syngas production from heavy liquid fuel reforming in inert porous media 

    Pastore, Andrea (University of CambridgeDepartment of Engineering, 2010-11-16)
    In the effort to introduce fuel cell technology in the field of decentralized and mobile power generators, a hydrocarbon reformer to syngas seems to be the way for the market uptake. In this thesis, a potential technology ...

  • Synoptic-to-planetary scale wind variability enhances phytoplankton biomass at ocean fronts 

    Whitt, DB; Taylor, John Ryan; Lévy, M (American Geophysical UnionJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017-06-01)
    In nutrient-limited conditions, phytoplankton growth at fronts is enhanced by winds, which drive upward nutrient fluxes via enhanced turbulent mixing and upwelling. Hence, depth-integrated phytoplankton biomass can be 10 ...

  • Syntactic Closures 

    Unknown author (1988-06-01)
    In this paper we describe {\\it syntactic closures}. Syntactic closures address the scoping problems that arise when writing macros. We discuss some issues raised by introducing syntactic closures into the macro ...

  • Syntax and Display of Mathematical Expressions 

    Unknown author (1965-07-01)
    A LISP program converts a mathematical expression stored in list structure form, into a text-book style visual display. To do this, requires the selection and positioning of the individual symbols which make up the expression, ...