Browsing Open Access Repositories by Author "Moir, Graham"

Now showing items 1-8 of 8

  • Charmed Meson Scattering from Lattice QCD 

    Moir, Graham (Proceedings of ScienceProceedings from the 8th International Workshop On Charm Physics, 2016-11-17)
    State-of-the-art lattice QCD calculations of scattering amplitudes in coupled-channel Dπ, Dη and DsK¯ scattering, as well elastic DK scattering are discussed. The methodology employed allows a determination of the relevant ...

  • Charmonium and charmed meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD 

    Tims, D; Cheung, Gavin; O’Hara, C; Moir, Graham; Peardon, M; Ryan, SM; Thomas, Christopher Edward (Proceedings of Science34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2017-01-25)
    Spectra of highly excited hidden and open-charm mesons calculated on dynamical lattice QCD ensembles with a pion mass of M$_{π}$ $\sim$ 240 MeV are presented and compared to previous results obtained on a lattice where ...

  • Coupled-channel $\textit{Dπ}$, $\textit{Dη}$ and $\textit{D$_{s}$$\bar K$}$ scattering from lattice QCD 

    Moir, Graham; Peardon, Michael; Ryan, Sinéad M; Thomas, Christopher Edward; Wilson, David John; on, behalf of the Hadron Spectrum collaboration (SpringerJournal of High Energy Physics, 2016-10-04)
    We present the first lattice QCD study of coupled-channel $\textit{Dπ}$, $\textit{Dη}$ and $\textit{D$_{s}$$\bar K$}$ scattering in isospin-1/2 in three partial waves. Using distillation, we compute matrices of correlation ...

  • Excited and exotic charmonium, $\textit{D}$$_{s}$ and $\textit{D}$ meson spectra for two light quark masses from lattice QCD 

    Cheung, Gavin; O'Hara, C; Moir, Graham; Peardon, M; Ryan, SM; Thomas, Christopher Edward; Tims, D (SpringerJournal of High Energy Physics, 2016-12-19)
    We present highly-excited charmonium, $\textit{D}$$_{s}$ and $\textit{D}$ meson spectra from dynamical lattice QCD calculations with light quarks corresponding to $\textit{M}$$_{π}$ ∼ 240 MeV and compare these to previous ...

  • Hadroquarkonium from lattice QCD 

    Alberti, M; Bali, GS; Collins, S; Knechtli, F; Moir, Graham; Soeldner, W (American Physical SocietyPhyscial Review D, 2017-04-03)
    he hadroquarkonium picture [S. Dubynskiy and M. B. Voloshin, Phys. Lett. B 666, 344 (2008)] provides one possible interpretation for the pentaquark candidates with hidden charm, recently reported by the LHCb Collaboration, ...

  • Impact of dynamical charm quarks 

    Korzec, T; Knechtli, F; Calì, S; Leder, B; Moir, Graham (Proceedings of ScienceProceedings of Science, 2017-01-17)
    We compute and compare the continuum limits of several quantities in QCD with and without a dynamical charm quark. We consider both low energy quantities, like the hadronic scales r0 and t 0 , and high energy quantities, ...

  • Lines of constant physics in a five-dimensional gauge-higgs unification scenario 

    Alberti, M; Knechtli, F; Irges, N; Moir, Graham (Proceedings of ScienceProceedings of Science, 2016-07-24)
    We report on the progress in the study of a five-dimensional SU(2) Gauge-Higgs Unification model. In this non-perturbative study, the Higgs mechanism is triggered by the spontaneous breaking of a global symmetry. In the ...

  • Towards radiative transitions in charmonium 

    O'Hara, C; Ryan, SM; Moir, Graham; Thomas, Christopher Edward (Proceedings of Science, 2016-01-01)
    We present preliminary calculations towards radiative transitions in charmonium using anisotropic $\textit{Nf}$=2+1 dynamical ensembles generated by the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration. With the use of newer technologies we ...