Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL)
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Recent Submissions
Gen: A General-Purpose Probabilistic Programming System with Programmable Inference
(2018-11-26)Probabilistic modeling and inference are central to many fields. A key challenge for wider adoption of probabilistic programming languages is designing systems that are both flexible and performant. This paper introduces ...
Towards Understanding Generalization via Analytical Learning Theory
(2018-10-01)This paper introduces a novel measure-theoretic theory for machine learning that does not require statistical assumptions. Based on this theory, a new regularization method in deep learning is derived and shown to ...
Using Dynamic Monitoring to Synthesize Models of Applications That Access Databases
(2018-09-27)We previously developed Konure, a tool that uses active learning to infer the functionality of database applications. An alternative approach is to observe the inputs, outputs, and database traffic from a running ...
Using Active Learning to Synthesize Models of Applications That Access Databases
(2018-08-28)We present a new technique that uses active learning to infer models of applications that manipulate relational databases. This technique comprises a domain-specific language for modeling applications that access ...
Data and Code for "A New Approach to Animacy Detection"
(2018-06-07)This archive contains the code and data for the workshop article "A New Approach to Animacy Detection," published in 2018 in the the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018), in Santa Fe, ...
Best-first Enumeration Based on Bounding Conflicts, and its Application to Large-scale Hybrid Estimation
(2018-05-24)With the rise of autonomous systems, there is a need for them to have high levels of robustness and safety. This robustness can be achieved through systems that are self-repairing. Underlying this is the ability to diagnose ...
Learning Models of Sequential Decision-Making without Complete State Specification using Bayesian Nonparametric Inference and Active Querying
(2018-05-17)Learning models of decision-making behavior during sequential tasks is useful across a variety of applications, including human-machine interaction. In this paper, we present an approach to learning such models within ...
Generalization in Deep Learning
(2018-05-01)With a direct analysis of neural networks, this paper presents a mathematically tight generalization theory to partially address an open problem regarding the generalization of deep learning. Unlike previous bound-based ...
A Natural Language Interface for Mobile Devices
(2018-03-01)Creating a robust, automated capability to respond to natural language requests has been a longstanding goal in the development of intelligent systems. This article describes the StartMobile system, originally developed ...
continuous Relaxation to Over-constrained Temporal Plans
(2013-01-25)When humans fail to understand the capabilities of an autonomous system or its environmental limitations, they can jeopardize their objectives and the system by asking for unrealistic goals. The objective of this thesis ...
Risk Allocation for Temporal Risk Assessment
(2013-01-31)Temporal uncertainty arises when performing any activity in the natural world. When activities are composed into temporal plans, then, there is a risk of not meeting the plan requirements. Currently, we do not have ...
Energy-efficient Control of a Smart Grid with Sustainable Homes based on Distributing Risk
(2012-01-20)The goal of this thesis is to develop a distributed control system for a smart grid with sustainable homes. A central challenge is how to enhance energy efficiency in the presence of uncertainty. A major source of uncertainty ...
Robust, Goal-directed Plan Execution with Bounded Risk
(2012-02-02)There is an increasing need for robust optimal plan execution for multi-agent systems in uncertain environments, while guaranteeing an acceptable probability of success. For ex- ample, a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles ...
Unsupervised Learning and Recognition of Physical Activity Plans
(2007-08-23)This thesis desires to enable a new kind of interaction between humans and computational agents, such as robots or computers, by allowing the agent to anticipate and adapt to human intent. In the future, more robots may ...
Learning and recognition of hybrid manipulation tasks in variable environments using probabilistic flow tubes
(2012-08-23)Robots can act as proxies for human operators in environments where a human operator is not present or cannot directly perform a task, such as in dangerous or remote situations. Teleoperation is a common interface for ...
Risk-minimizing program execution in robotic domains
(2012-02-02)In this thesis, we argue that autonomous robots operating in hostile and uncertain environments can improve robustness by computing and reasoning explicitly about risk. Autonomous robots with a keen sensitivity to risk can ...
Optimal Temporal Planning at Reactive Time Scales via Dynamic Backtracking Branch and Bound
(2006-08-25)Autonomous robots are being considered for increasingly capable roles in our society, such as urban search and rescue, automation for assisted living, and lunar habitat construction. To fulfill these roles, teams of ...
Fast, Approximate State Estimation of Concurrent Probabilistic Hybrid Automata
(2013-12-11)It is an undeniable fact that autonomous systems are simultaneously becoming more common place, more complex, and deployed in more inhospitable environments. Examples include smart homes, smart cars, Mars rovers, unmanned ...
Decision Uncertainty Minimization and Autonomous Information Gathering
(2013-08-22)Over the past several decades, technologies for remote sensing and exploration have be- come increasingly powerful but continue to face limitations in the areas of information gathering and analysis. These limitations ...
Delay Controllability: Multi-Agent Coordination under Communication Delay
(2018-01-29)Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty provide a useful framework for modeling temporal constraints and, importantly, for modeling actions with uncertain durations. To determine whether we can construct a schedule for ...