Browsing by Title

Now showing items 101-120 of 4790

  • The Abstract MAC Layer 

    Unknown author (2010-08-26)
    A diversity of possible communication assumptions complicates the study of algorithms and lower bounds for radio networks. We address this problem by defining an abstract MAC layer. This service provides reliable local ...

  • Abstracting information on body area networks 

    Brandão, Pedro (University of CambridgeFaculty of Computer Science and TechnologyComputer LaboratoryMagdalene College, 2012-01-10)
    Healthcare is changing, is in need of change. The population ageing, the increase in chronic and heart diseases and just the increase in population size will overwhelm the current hospital-centric ...

  • Abstraction in Numerical Methods 

    Unknown author (1987-10-01)
    We illustrate how the liberal use of high-order procedural abstractions and infinite streams helps us to express some of the vocabulary and methods of numerical analysis. We develop a software toolbox encapsulating the ...

  • Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic Biocomputers (Extended Version) 

    Unknown author (2006-05-05)
    Microfluidic devices are emerging as an attractive technology for automatically orchestrating the reactions needed in a biological computer. Thousands of microfluidic primitives have already been integrated on a single ...

  • Abstraction, Inspection and Debugging in Programming 

    Unknown author (1981-06-01)
    We believe that software engineering has much to learn from other mature engineering disciplines, such as electrical engineering, and that the problem solving behaviors of engineers in different disciplines have many ...

  • An Accelerated Chow and Liu Algorithm: Fitting Tree Distributions to High Dimensional Sparse Data 

    Unknown author (1999-01-01)
    Chow and Liu introduced an algorithm for fitting a multivariate distribution with a tree (i.e. a density model that assumes that there are only pairwise dependencies between variables) and that the graph of these dependencies ...

  • Accelerated coplanar facet radio synthesis imaging 

    Hugo, Benjamin (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2016)
    Imaging in radio astronomy entails the Fourier inversion of the relation between the sampled spatial coherence of an electromagnetic field and the intensity of its emitting source. This inversion is normally computed by ...

  • Accelerated deconvolution of radio interferometric images using orthogonal matching pursuit and graphics hardware 

    Van Belle, Jonathan (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2016)
    Deconvolution of native radio interferometric images constitutes a major computational component of the radio astronomy imaging process. An efficient and robust deconvolution operation is essential for reconstruction of ...

  • Accelerated Gravitational Wave Parameter Estimation with Reduced Order Modeling 

    Canizares, Priscilla; Field, Scott E.; Gair, Jonathan; Raymond, Vivien; Smith, Rory; Tiglio, Manuel (APSPhysical Review Letters, 2015-02-20)
    Inferring the astrophysical parameters of coalescing compact binaries is a key science goal of the upcoming advanced LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave detector network and, more generally, gravitational-wave astronomy. However, ...

  • Accelerating genomic sequence alignment using high performance reconfigurable computers 

    McMahon, Peter Leonard (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2008)
    Reconfigurable computing technology has progressed to a stage where it is now possible to achieve orders of magnitude performance and power efficiency gains over conventional computer architectures for a subset of high ...

  • Accelerating point cloud cleaning 

    Mulder, Rickert (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2017)
    Capturing the geometry of a large heritage site via laser scanning can produce thousands of high resolution range scans. These must be cleaned to remove unwanted artefacts. We identified three areas that can be improved ...

  • Accelerating radio transient detection using the Bispectrum algorithm and GPGPU 

    Lin, Tsu-Shiuan (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2015)
    Modern radio interferometers such as those in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project are powerful tools to discover completely new classes of astronomical phenomena. Amongst these phenomena are radio transients. Transients ...

  • Acceleration of Series 

    Unknown author (1974-03-01)
    The rate of convergence of infinite series can be accelerated b y a suitable splitting of each term into two parts and then combining the second part of the n-th term with the first part of the (n+1) -th term t get a new ...

  • Acceleration of the noise suppression component of the DUCHAMP source-finder 

    Badenhorst, Scott James (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2015)
    The next-generation of radio interferometer arrays - the proposed Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its precursor instruments, The Karoo Array Telescope (MeerKAT) and Australian Square Kilometre Path finder (ASKAP) - will ...

  • Access and information flow control to secure mobile web service compositions in resource constrained environments 

    Maziya, Lwazi Enock (University of Cape TownFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science, 2015)
    The growing use of mobile web services such as electronic health records systems and applications like twitter, Facebook has increased interest in robust mechanisms for ensuring security for such information sharing services. ...

  • An Accountable Source-To-Source Transformation System 

    Unknown author (1981-06-01)
    Though one is led to believe that program transformation systems which perform source-to-source transformations enable the user to understand and appreciate the resulting source program, this is not always the case. ...

  • Accurate and Scalable Surface Representation and Reconstruction from Images 

    Unknown author (2005-11-18)
    We introduce a new surface representation, the patchwork, to extend the problem of surface reconstruction from multiple images. A patchwork is the combination of several patches that are built one by one. This design ...

  • ACE: A Cliché-based Program Structure Editor 

    Unknown author (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1987-05)
    ACE extends the syntax-directed paradigm of program editing by adding support for programming clichés. A programming cliché is a standard algorithmic fragment. ACE supports the rapid construction of programs through the ...

  • Achieving Artificial Intelligence through Building Robots 

    Unknown author (1986-05-01)
    We argue that generally accepted methodologies of Artificial Intelligence research are limited in the proportion of human level intelligence they can be expected to emulate. We argue that the currently accepted ...

  • Achieving Real-Time Mode Estimation through Offline Compilation 

    Unknown author (2002-10-22)
    As exploration of our solar system and outerspace move into the future, spacecraft are being developed to venture on increasingly challenging missions with bold objectives. The spacecraft tasked with completing these ...