Now showing items 11-20 of 45
Solving the Find-Path Problem by Representing Free Space as Generalized Cones
Free space is represented as a union of (possibly overlapping) generalized cones. An algorithm is presented which efficiently finds good collision free paths for convex polygonal bodies through space littered with ...
Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definitions, Examples, and Precedents
It is too hard to tell vision systems what things look like. It is easier to talk about purpose and what things are for. Consequently, we want vision systems to use functional descriptions to identify things when ...
The Relation Between Proximity and Brightness Similarity in Dot Patterns
The Gestalt studies demonstrated the tendency to visually organize dots on the basis of similarity, proximity, and global properties such as closure, good continuation, and symmetry. The particular organization imposed ...
A Primer for the Act-1 Language
This paper describes the current design for the Act-1 computer programming language and describes the Actor computational model, which the language was designed to support. It provides a perspective from which to view ...
The Measurement of Visual Motion
The analysis of visual motion divides naturally into two stages: the first is the measurement of motion, for example, the assignment of direction and magnitude of velocity to elements in the image, on the basis of the ...
Open Systems
This paper describes some problems and opportunities associated with conceptual modeling for the kind of "open systems" we foresee must and will be increasingly recognized as a central line of computer system development. ...
Binocular Shading and Visual Surface Reconstruction
Zero-crossing or feature-point based stereo algorithms can, by definition, determine explicit depth information only at particular points on the image. To compute a complete surface description, this sparse depth map ...
Policy-Protocol Interaction in Composite Processes
Message policy is defined to be the description of the disposition of messages of a single type, when received by a group of processes. Group policy applies to all the processes of a group, but for a single message ...
Robot Programming
The industrial robot's principal advantage over traditional automation is programmability. Robots can perform arbitrary sequences of pre-stored motions or of motions computed as functions of sensory input. This paper ...
Seeing What Your Programs Are Doing
An important skill in programming is being able to visualize the operation of procedures, both for constructing programs and debugging them. Tinker is a programming environment for Lisp that enables the programmer to ...