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Measurable Set-Valued Functions and Bochner Integrals

dc.contributor.authorEze, Leonard Chidiebere
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, several concepts from Topology, Measure Theory, Probability Theory, and Functional analysis were combined in the study of the measurability of set-valued functions and the Bochner integral. We started with a detailed study of the Hausdorff metric, its properties, and topology by exposing separately the case where E is a metric space and the case where E is a normed linear space. After reviewing the important theorems, we present the four convergences related to Hausdorff metric: Hausdorff convergence, Wisjman convergence, Weak convergence, and Kuratowski-Mosco convergence; and then compared them. Further, set-valued random variables and their properties were studied. We study and compare five types of measures of set-valued functions and the two forms of Bochner integral, that is, the Banach-valued and set-valued Bochner integrals.en_US
dc.subjectEze Leonard Chidiebereen_US
dc.subjectProf. Gane Sambo Loen_US
dc.subjectHausdorff convergenceen_US
dc.subjectHausdorff Metricen_US
dc.subjectWijsman and Weak convengenceen_US
dc.subjectKuratowski-Mosco convergenceen_US
dc.subjectSet-valued random variableen_US
dc.subjectselections and Bochner integralsen_US
dc.subject2017 Pure and Applied Mathematics Masters Thesesen_US
dc.titleMeasurable Set-Valued Functions and Bochner Integralsen_US

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