Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1061-1080 of 2625

  • Eclat: Automatic Generation and Classification of Test Inputs 

    Unknown author (2004-10-14)
    This paper describes a technique that helps a test engineerselect, from a large set of randomly generated testinputs, a small subset likely to reveal faults in the softwareunder test. The technique takes a program or ...

  • The Architecture of MAITA: A Tool for Monitoring, Analysis, and Interpretation 

    Unknown author (2004-05-18)
    This report describes the aims, functions, and organization of the MAITAsystem for knowledge-based construction, adaptation, and control of networks of monitoringprocesses.

  • Implementing Asynchronous Distributed Systems Using the IOA Toolkit 

    Unknown author (2004-10-06)
    This document is a report about the capabilities and performance of the IOA Toolkit, and in particularthe tools that provide support for implementing and running distributed systems (checker,composer, code generator). The ...

  • Predictive identification of alternative events conserved in human and mouse 

    Unknown author (2004-09-30)
    Alternative pre-messenger RNA splicing affects a majority of human genes and plays important roles in development and disease. Alternative splicing (AS) events conserved since the divergence of human and mouse are likely ...

  • A Reliable Broadcast Scheme for Sensor Networks 

    Unknown author (2003-08-11)
    In this short technical report, we present a simple yet effective reliable broadcast protocol for sensor networks. This protocol disseminates packets throughout the sensor network by flooding and recovers from losses ...

  • On The Boolean Algebra of Shape Analysis Constraints 

    Unknown author (2003-08-22)
    Shape analysis is a promising technique for statically verifyingand extracting properties of programs that manipulatecomplex data structures. We introduce a new characterizationof constraints that arise in parametric ...

  • Permutation Tests for Classification 

    Unknown author (2003-08-28)
    We introduce and explore an approach to estimating statisticalsignificance of classification accuracy, which is particularly usefulin scientific applications of machine learning where highdimensionality of the data and the ...

  • The Theory of Timed I/O Automata 

    Unknown author (2005-03-02)
    This monograph presents the Timed Input/Output Automaton (TIOA) modeling framework, a basic mathematical framework to support description and analysis of timed systems.

  • Fluorescence Assay for Polymerase Arrival Rates 

    Unknown author (2003-08-31)
    To engineer complex synthetic biological systems will require modulardesign, assembly, and characterization strategies. The RNApolymerase arrival rate (PAR) is defined to be the rate that RNApolymerases arrive at a specified ...

  • Marriage, Honesty, and Stability 

    Unknown author (2003-07-28)
    Many centralized two-sided markets form a matching between participantsby running a stable marriage algorithm. It is a well-knownfact that no matching mechanism based on a stable marriage algorithmcan guarantee truthfulness ...

  • Near-Optimal Distributed Failure Circumscription 

    Unknown author (2003-08-11)
    Small failures should only disrupt a small part of a network. One wayto do this is by marking the surrounding area as untrustworthy ---circumscribing the failure. This can be done with a distributedalgorithm using ...

  • The Theory of Timed I/O Automata 

    Unknown author (2003-08-27)
    Revised version -- November 23, 2004.This paper presents the Timed Input/Output Automaton (TIOA) modeling framework, a basic mathematical framework to support description and analysis of timed systems.

  • Selecting Refining and Evaluating Properties for Program Analysis 

    Unknown author (2003-07-21)
    This research proposes and evaluates techniques for selectingpredicates for conditional program properties thatis, implications such as p ) q whose consequent must betrue whenever the predicate is true. Conditional ...

  • Learning object segmentation from video data 

    Unknown author (2003-09-08)
    This memo describes the initial results of a project to create aself-supervised algorithm for learning object segmentation from videodata. Developmental psychology and computational experience havedemonstrated that the ...

  • Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images 

    Unknown author (2003-08-08)
    We present a set of techniques that can be used to represent anddetect shapes in images. Our methods revolve around a particularshape representation based on the description of objects usingtriangulated polygons. This ...

  • Sharing visual features for multiclass and multiview object detection 

    Unknown author (2004-04-14)
    We consider the problem of detecting a large number of different classes of objects in cluttered scenes. Traditional approaches require applying a battery of different classifiers to the image, at multiple locations and ...

  • Dissociated Dipoles: Image representation via non-local comparisons 

    Unknown author (2003-08-13)
    A fundamental question in visual neuroscience is how to represent image structure. The most common representational schemes rely on differential operators that compare adjacent image regions. While well-suited to encoding ...

  • Direction Estimation of Pedestrian from Images 

    Unknown author (2003-08-27)
    The capability of estimating the walking direction of people would be useful in many applications such as those involving autonomous cars and robots.We introduce an approach for estimating the walking direction of people ...

  • Secure Program Execution Via Dynamic Information Flow Tracking 

    Unknown author (2003-07-21)
    We present a simple architectural mechanism called dynamicinformation flow tracking that can significantly improve thesecurity of computing systems with negligible performanceoverhead. Dynamic information flow tracking ...

  • New Algorithms for Load Balancing in Peer-to-Peer Systems 

    Unknown author (2003-07-16)
    Load balancing is a critical issue for the efficient operation of peer-to-peer networks. We give new protocols for several scenarios, whose provable performance guarantees are within a constant factor of optimal. First, ...