Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1081-1100 of 2625

  • Compact Representations for Fast Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images 

    Unknown author (2003-07-04)
    We develop efficient techniques for the non-rigid registration of medical images by using representations that adapt to the anatomy found in such images. Images of anatomical structures typically have uniform intensity ...

  • On the Max-Flow Min-Cut Ratio for Directed Multicommodity Flows 

    Unknown author (2003-07-05)
    We give a pure combinatorial problem whose solution determines max-flow min-cut ratio for directed multicommodity flows. In addition, this combinatorial problem has applications in improving the approximation factor of ...

  • Trajectory and Force Control of a Direct Drive Arm 

    Unknown author (1986-09-01)
    Using the MIT Serial Link Direct Drive Arm as the main experimental device, various issues in trajectory and force control of manipulators were studied in this thesis. Since accurate modeling is important for any ...

  • Interaction and Intelligent Behavior 

    Unknown author (1994-08-01)
    We introduce basic behaviors as primitives for control and learning in situated, embodied agents interacting in complex domains. We propose methods for selecting, formally specifying, algorithmically implementing, ...

  • Geometric Aspects of Visual Object Recognition 

    Unknown author (1992-05-01)
    This thesis presents there important results in visual object recognition based on shape. (1) A new algorithm (RAST; Recognition by Adaptive Sudivisions of Tranformation space) is presented that has lower average-case ...

  • Complexity of Human Language Comprehension 

    Unknown author (1988-12-01)
    The goal of this article is to reveal the computational structure of modern principle-and-parameter (Chomskian) linguistic theories: what computational problems do these informal theories pose, and what is the underlying ...

  • The Perception of Subjective Surfaces 

    Unknown author (1981-11-01)
    It is proposed that subjective contours are an artifact of the perception of natural three-dimensional surfaces. A recent theory of surface interpolation implies that "subjective surfaces" are constructed in the visual ...

  • Electrical Design: A Problem for Artificial Intelligence Research 

    Unknown author (1977-06-01)
    This report outlines the problem of intelligent failure recovery in a problem-solver for electrical design. We want our problem solver to learn as much as it can from its mistakes. Thus we cast the engineering design ...

  • 11SIM Reference Manual 

    Unknown author (1971-12-01)
    A program that simulates a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11 computer and many of its peripherals on the AI Laboratory Time Sharing System (ITS) is described from a user's reference point of view. This simulator has ...

  • Uncertainty Propagation in Model-Based Recognition 

    Unknown author (1995-02-01)
    Building robust recognition systems requires a careful understanding of the effects of error in sensed features. Error in these image features results in a region of uncertainty in the possible image location of each ...

  • Exploiting the Parallelism Exposed by Partial Evaluation 

    Unknown author (1994-05-01)
    We describe the key role played by partial evaluation in the Supercomputing Toolkit, a parallel computing system for scientific applications that effectively exploits the vast amount of parallelism exposed by partial ...

  • Causes and Effects of Chaos 

    Unknown author (1990-12-01)
    Most of the recent literature on chaos and nonlinear dynamics is written either for popular science magazine readers or for advanced mathematicians. This paper gives a broad introduction to this interesting and rapidly ...

  • Convergence Rates of Approximation by Translates 

    Unknown author (1992-03-01)
    In this paper we consider the problem of approximating a function belonging to some funtion space Φ by a linear comination of n translates of a given function G. Ussing a lemma by Jones (1990) and Barron (1991) we show ...

  • Object Detection in Images by Components 

    Unknown author (1999-08-11)
    In this paper we present a component based person detection system that is capable of detecting frontal, rear and near side views of people, and partially occluded persons in cluttered scenes. The framework that is ...

  • Pose Determination of a Grasped Object Using Limited Sensing 

    Unknown author (1991-05-01)
    This report explores methods for determining the pose of a grasped object using only limited sensor information. The problem of pose determination is to find the position of an object relative to the hand. The information ...

  • A Note on Support Vector Machines Degeneracy 

    Unknown author (1999-08-11)
    When training Support Vector Machines (SVMs) over non-separable data sets, one sets the threshold $b$ using any dual cost coefficient that is strictly between the bounds of $0$ and $C$. We show that there exist SVM ...

  • Support Vector Machines: Training and Applications 

    Unknown author (1997-03-01)
    The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a new and very promising classification technique developed by Vapnik and his group at AT&T Bell Labs. This new learning algorithm can be seen as an alternative training technique ...

  • An Equivalence Between Sparse Approximation and Support Vector Machines 

    Unknown author (1997-05-01)
    In the first part of this paper we show a similarity between the principle of Structural Risk Minimization Principle (SRM) (Vapnik, 1982) and the idea of Sparse Approximation, as defined in (Chen, Donoho and Saunders, ...

  • The Kineticist's Workbench: Combining Symbolic and Numerical Methods in the Simulation of Chemical Reaction Mechanisms 

    Unknown author (1991-05-01)
    The Kineticist's Workbench is a program that simulates chemical reaction mechanisms by predicting, generating, and interpreting numerical data. Prior to simulation, it analyzes a given mechanism to predict that ...

  • A Nonparametric Approach to Pricing and Hedging Derivative Securities via Learning Networks 

    Unknown author (1994-04-01)
    We propose a nonparametric method for estimating derivative financial asset pricing formulae using learning networks. To demonstrate feasibility, we first simulate Black-Scholes option prices and show that learning ...