Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1401-1420 of 2625

  • Information Processing and Transmission in Cellular Automata 

    Unknown author (1971-01-01)
    A cellular automaton is an iterative array of very simple identical information processing machines called cells. Each cell can communicate with neighboring cells. At discrete moments of time the cells can change from ...

  • Dependency Directed Reasoning for Complex Program Understanding 

    Unknown author (1979-04-01)
    Artificial Intelligence research involves the creation of extremely complex programs which must possess the capability to introspect, learn, and improve their expertise. Any truly intelligent program must be able to ...

  • Reflectance Map Techniques for Analyzing Surface Defects in Metal Castings 

    Unknown author (1978-06-01)
    This report explores the relation between image intensity and object shape. It is shown that image intensity is related to surface orientation and that a variation in image intensity is related to surface curvature. ...

  • A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledge 

    Unknown author (1977-12-01)
    This report describes a knowledge-base system in which the information is stored in a network of small parallel processing elements ??de and link units ??ich are controlled by an external serial computer. This network ...

  • Some Aspects of Pattern Recognition by Computer 

    Unknown author (1967-02-01)
    A computer may gather a lot of information from its environment in an optical or graphical manner. A scene, as seen for instance from a TV camera or a picture, can be transformed into a symbolic description of points ...

  • Assimilation of New Information by a Natural Language Understanding System 

    Unknown author (1974-02-01)
    This work describes a program, called TOPLE, which uses a procedural model of the world to understand simple declarative sentences. It accepts sentences in a modified predicate calculus symbolism, and uses plausible ...

  • Shape from Shading: A Method for Obtaining the Shape of a Smooth Opaque Object from One View 

    Unknown author (1970-11-01)
    A method will be described for finding the shape of a smooth apaque object form a monocular image, given a knowledge of the surface photometry, the position of the lightsource and certain auxiliary information to ...

  • Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples 

    Unknown author (1970-09-01)
    The research here described centers on how a machine can recognize concepts and learn concepts to be recognized. Explanations are found in computer programs that build and manipulate abstract descriptions of scenes ...

  • A Model for Deliberation, Action, and Introspection 

    Unknown author (1980-05-01)
    This thesis investigates the problem of controlling or directing the reasoning and actions of a computer program. The basic approach explored is to view reasoning as a species of action, so that a program might apply ...

  • Computer Recognition of Prismatic Solids 

    Unknown author (1970-08-01)
    An investigation is made into the problem of constructing a model of the appearance to an optical input device of scenes consisting of plane-faced geometric solids. The goal is to study algorithms which find the real ...

  • Recognition of Topological Invariants by Iterative Arrays 

    Unknown author (1969-10-01)
    A study is made of the recognition and transformation of figures by iterative arrays of finite state automata. A figure is a finite rectangular two-dimensional array of symbols. The iterative arrays considered are ...

  • Towards a Computational Theory of Definite Anaphora Comprehension in English Discourse 

    Unknown author (1979-06-01)
    This report investigates the process of focussing as a description and explanation of the comprehension of certain anaphoric expressions in English discourse. The investigation centers on the interpretation of definite ...

  • Theory of Handwriting 

    Unknown author (1980-03-01)
    Handwriting production is viewed as a constrained modulation of an underlying oscillatory process. Coupled oscillations in horizontal and vertical directions produce letter forms, and when superimposed on a rightward ...

  • The Image Irradiance Equation: Its Solution and Application 

    Unknown author (1981-06-01)
    How much information about the shape of an object can be inferred from its image? In particular, can the shape of an object be reconstructed by measuring the light it reflects from points on its surface? These questions ...

  • Local Rotational Symmetries 

    Unknown author (1985-08-01)
    This thesis describes a new representation for two-dimensional round regions called Local Rotational Symmetries. Local Rotational Symmetries are intended as a companion to Brady's Smoothed Local Symmetry Representation ...

  • Reasoning Modeled as a Society of Communicating Experts 

    Unknown author (1979-06-01)
    This report describes a domain independent reasoning system. The system uses a frame-based knowledge representation language and various reasoning techniques including constraint propagation, progressive refinement, ...

  • Creation of Computer Animation from Story Descriptions 

    Unknown author (1979-08-01)
    This report describes a computer system that creates simple computer animation in response to high-level, vague, and incomplete descriptions of films. It makes its films by collecting and evaluating suggestions from ...

  • Qualitative Process Theory 

    Unknown author (1984-07-01)
    Objects move, collide, flow, bend, heat up, cool down, stretch, compress and boil. These and other things that cause changes in objects over time are intuitively characterized as processes. To understand common sense ...

  • Qualitative Analysis of MOS Circuits 

    Unknown author (1984-07-01)
    With the push towards sub-micron technology, transistor models have become increasingly complex. The number of components in integrated circuits has forced designer's efforts and skills towards higher levels of design. ...

  • Probabilistic Solution of Inverse Problems 

    Unknown author (1985-09-01)
    In this thesis we study the general problem of reconstructing a function, defined on a finite lattice from a set of incomplete, noisy and/or ambiguous observations. The goal of this work is to demonstrate the generality ...