Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1461-1480 of 2625

  • On Interpreting Stereo Disparity 

    Unknown author (1989-02-01)
    The problems under consideration center around the interpretation of binocular stereo disparity. In particular, the goal is to establish a set of mappings from stereo disparity to corresponding three-dimensional scene ...

  • Generating Circuit Tests by Exploiting Designed Behavior 

    Unknown author (1988-12-01)
    This thesis describes two programs for generating tests for digital circuits that exploit several kinds of expert knowledge not used by previous approaches. First, many test generation problems can be solved efficiently ...

  • Visual Navigation: Constructing and Utilizing Simple Maps of an Indoor Environment 

    Unknown author (1989-03-01)
    The goal of this work is to navigate through an office environmentsusing only visual information gathered from four cameras placed onboard a mobile robot. The method is insensitive to physical changes within the room ...

  • Design and Evaluation of the Hamal Parallel Computer 

    Unknown author (2002-12-05)
    Parallel shared-memory machines with hundreds or thousands of processor-memory nodes have been built; in the future we will see machines with millions or even billions of nodes. Associated with such large systems is a new ...

  • Time-Frequency Representations for Speech Signals 

    Unknown author (1987-05-01)
    This work addresses two related questions. The first question is what joint time-frequency energy representations are most appropriate for auditory signals, in particular, for speech signals in sonorant regions. The ...

  • A Modern Differential Geometric Approach to Shape from Shading 

    Unknown author (1989-06-01)
    How the visual system extracts shape information from a single grey-level image can be approached by examining how the information about shape is contained in the image. This technical report considers the characteristic ...

  • Summarizing Qualitative Behavior from Measurements of NonlinearsCircuits 

    Unknown author (1989-05-01)
    This report describes a program which automatically characterizes the behavior of any driven, nonlinear, electrical circuit. To do this, the program autonomously selects interesting input parameters, drives the circuit, ...

  • Toward a Theory of Representation Design 

    Unknown author (1989-05-01)
    This research is concerned with designing representations for analytical reasoning problems (of the sort found on the GRE and LSAT). These problems test the ability to draw logical conclusions. A computer program was ...

  • Robust 2-D Model-Based Object Recognition 

    Unknown author (1988-05-01)
    Techniques, suitable for parallel implementation, for robust 2D model-based object recognition in the presence of sensor error are studied. Models and scene data are represented as local geometric features and robust ...

  • Using Special-Purpose Computing to Examine Chaotic Behavior in Nonlinear Mappings 

    Unknown author (1989-09-01)
    Studying chaotic behavior in nonlinear systems requires numerous computations in order to simulate the behavior of such systems. The Standard Map Machine was designed and implemented as a special computer for performing ...

  • Computational Structure of GPSG Models: Revised Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 

    Unknown author (1989-09-01)
    The primary goal of this report is to demonstrate how considerations from computational complexity theory can inform grammatical theorizing. To this end, generalized phrase structure grammar (GPSG) linguistic theory ...

  • Dynamically Stable Legged Locomotion (September 1985-Septembers1989) 

    Unknown author (1989-09-01)
    This report documents our work in exploring active balance for dynamic legged systems for the period from September 1985 through September 1989. The purpose of this research is to build a foundation of knowledge that ...

  • Vision, Instruction, and Action 

    Unknown author (1990-04-01)
    This thesis describes Sonja, a system which uses instructions in the course of visually-guided activity. The thesis explores an integration of research in vision, activity, and natural language pragmatics. Sonja's visual ...

  • Automated Acquisition of Evolving Informal Descriptions 

    Unknown author (1990-06-01)
    The Listener is an automated system that unintrusively performs knowledge acquisition from informal input. The Listener develops a coherent internal representation of a description from an initial set of disorganized, ...

  • The Grasping Problem: Toward Task-Level Programming for an Articulated Hand 

    Unknown author (1990-05-01)
    This report presents a system for generating a stable, feasible, and reachable grasp of a polyhedral object. A set of contact points on the object is found that can result in a stable grasp; a feasible grasp is found ...

  • Model Selection for Solving Kinematics Problems 

    Unknown author (1990-09-01)
    There has been much interest in the area of model-based reasoning within the Artificial Intelligence community, particularly in its application to diagnosis and troubleshooting. The core issue in this thesis, simply ...

  • Program Improvement by Automatic Redistribution of Intermediate Results 

    Unknown author (1991-02-01)
    Introducing function sharing into designs allows eliminating costly structure by adapting existing structure to perform its function. This can eliminate many inefficiencies of reusing general componentssin specific ...

  • The Early Detection of Motion Boundaries 

    Unknown author (1990-05-01)
    This thesis shows how to detect boundaries on the basis of motion information alone. The detection is performed in two stages: (i) the local estimation of motion discontinuities and of the visual flowsfield; (ii) the ...

  • Basis Reduction Algorithms and Subset Sum Problems 

    Unknown author (1991-06-01)
    This thesis investigates a new approach to lattice basis reduction suggested by M. Seysen. Seysen's algorithm attempts to globally reduce a lattice basis, whereas the Lenstra, Lenstra, Lovasz (LLL) family of reduction ...

  • MIT Scheme Reference Manual 

    Unknown author (1991-01-01)
    MIT Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language that runs on many popular workstations. The MIT Scheme Reference Manual describes the special forms, procedures, and datatypes provided by the ...