Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): Recent submissions

Now showing items 1481-1500 of 2625

  • Multiple Mode Vibration Suppression in Controlled Flexible Systems 

    Unknown author (1991-05-01)
    Prior research has led to the development of input command shapers that can reduce residual vibration in single- or multiple-mode flexible systems. We present a method for the development of multiple-mode shapers which ...

  • A Parallel Crossbar Routing Chip for a Shared Memory Multiprocessor 

    Unknown author (1991-03-01)
    This thesis describes the design and implementation of an integrated circuit and associated packaging to be used as the building block for the data routing network of a large scale shared memory multiprocessor system. ...

  • Reliable Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers 

    Unknown author (1991-10-01)
    This technical report describes a new protocol, the Unique Token Protocol, for reliable message communication. This protocol eliminates the need for end-to-end acknowledgments and minimizes the communication effort ...

  • Temporal Surface Reconstruction 

    Unknown author (1991-05-01)
    This thesis investigates the problem of estimating the three-dimensional structure of a scene from a sequence of images. Structure information is recovered from images continuously using shading, motion or other visual ...

  • A Coupled Multi-ALU Processing Node for a Highly Parallel Computer 

    Unknown author (1992-09-01)
    This report describes Processor Coupling, a mechanism for controlling multiple ALUs on a single integrated circuit to exploit both instruction-level and inter-thread parallelism. A compiler statically schedules individual ...

  • Automated Program Recognition by Graph Parsing 

    Unknown author (1992-07-01)
    Recognizing standard computational structures (cliches) in a program can help an experienced programmer understand the program. We develop a graph parsing approach to automating program recognition in which programs ...

  • Probabilistic Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Network Performance 

    Unknown author (1992-04-01)
    We present methods of calculating the value of two performance parameters for multipath, multistage interconnection networks: the normalized throughput and the probability of successful message transmission. We develop ...

  • On Directional Selectivity in Vertebrate Retina: An Experimental and Computational Study 

    Unknown author (1992-01-01)
    This thesis describes an investigation of retinal directional selectivity. We show intracellular (whole-cell patch) recordings in turtle retina which indicate that this computation occurs prior to the ganglion cell, ...

  • Understanding and Modeling the Behavior of a Harmonic Drive Gear Transmission 

    Unknown author (1992-05-01)
    In my research, I have performed an extensive experimental investigation of harmonic-drive properties such as stiffness, friction, and kinematic error. From my experimental results, I have found that these properties ...

  • Shaping Inputs to Reduce Vibration in Flexible Space Structures 

    Unknown author (1992-06-01)
    Future NASA plans to launch large space strucutres solicit the need for effective vibration control schemes which can solve the unique problems associated with unwanted residual vibration in flexible spacecraft. In ...

  • Equivalence and Reduction of Hidden Markov Models 

    Unknown author (1993-01-01)
    This report studies when and why two Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) may represent the same stochastic process. HMMs are characterized in terms of equivalence classes whose elements represent identical stochastic processes. ...

  • Minimizing Residual Vibrations in Flexible Systems 

    Unknown author (1992-06-01)
    Residual vibrations degrade the performance of many systems. Due to the lightweight and flexible nature of space structures, controlling residual vibrations is especially difficult. Also, systems such as the Space ...

  • Robust and Efficient 3D Recognition by Alignment 

    Unknown author (1992-09-01)
    Alignment is a prevalent approach for recognizing 3D objects in 2D images. A major problem with current implementations is how to robustly handle errors that propagate from uncertainties in the locations of image ...

  • A Parallelizing Compiler Based on Partial Evaluation 

    Unknown author (1993-07-01)
    We constructed a parallelizing compiler that utilizes partial evaluation to achieve efficient parallel object code from very high-level data independent source programs. On several important scientific applications, ...

  • Robust Photo-topography by Fusing Shape-from-Shading and Stereo 

    Unknown author (1993-02-01)
    Methods for fusing two computer vision methods are discussed and several example algorithms are presented to illustrate the variational method of fusing algorithms. The example algorithms seek to determine planet ...

  • Recognizing 3-D Objects Using 2-D Images 

    Unknown author (1993-04-01)
    We discuss a strategy for visual recognition by forming groups of salient image features, and then using these groups to index into a data base to find all of the matching groups of model features. We discuss the most ...

  • A Lifetime-based Garbage Collector for LISP Systems on General-Purpose Computers 

    Unknown author (1988-02-01)
    Garbage collector performance in LISP systems on custom hardware has been substantially improved by the adoption of lifetime-based garbage collection techniques. To date, however, successful lifetime-based garbage ...

  • Feature Extraction Without Edge Detection 

    Unknown author (1993-09-01)
    Information representation is a critical issue in machine vision. The representation strategy in the primitive stages of a vision system has enormous implications for the performance in subsequent stages. Existing ...

  • Automatic Qualitative Modeling of Dynamic Physical Systems 

    Unknown author (1993-01-01)
    This report describes MM, a computer program that can model a variety of mechanical and fluid systems. Given a system's structure and qualitative behavior, MM searches for models using an energy-based modeling framework. ...

  • Mid-Level Vision and Recognition of Non-Rigid Objects 

    Unknown author (1995-04-01)
    We address mid-level vision for the recognition of non-rigid objects. We align model and image using frame curves - which are object or "figure/ground" skeletons. Frame curves are computed, without discontinuities, ...