Browsing by Subject "November"

Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Control Of Non Linear Oscillations In Plasma Governed By A Van Der Pol Equation 

    Gbedo, Yemalin Gabin (2011-11-19)
    This thesis deals with the control of non linear oscillations in plasma governed by a classical Van der Pol equation . The main interest devoted to such an investigation is that non linear oscillations in plasma is essential ...

  • Qualitative Modelling And Simulation Of Free Running Semiconductor Laser 

    Moses, Isaiah Abu (2011-11-23)
    The thesis presents the modelling and simulation of free running semiconductor laser. The rate equations which were derived on the basis of the fact that there must be a balance between carriers that undergo transition and ...

  • Spontaneous Flow Transitions in Active Polar Gels 

    Abdu-Aguye, Mustapha Tisan (2011-11-21)
    Active polar gels are a type of viscoelastic soft material formed by polar filaments which are constantly driven out of equilibrium by the consumption of chemical fuel such as ATP. Following the approach of Voituriez et ...