Browsing by Subject "UUV"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Extending a MOOS-IvP Autonomy System and Users Guide to the IvPBuild Toolbox
(2009-08-20)This document describes how to extend the suite of MOOS applications and IvP Helm behaviors distributed with the MOOS-IvP software bundle from It covers (a) a straw-man repository with a place-holder MOOS ...
An Overview of MOOS-IvP and a Brief Users Guide to the IvP Helm Autonomy Software
(2009-06-18)This document describes the IvP Helm - an Open Source behavior-based autonomy application for unmanned vehicles. IvP is short for interval programming - a technique for representing and solving multi-objective optimizations ...
An Overview of MOOS-IvP and a Users Guide to the IvP Helm - Release 4.2.1
(2011-08-03)This document describes the IvP Helm - an Open Source behavior-based autonomy application for unmanned vehicles. IvP is short for interval programming - a technique for representing and solving multi-objective optimizations ...
An Overview of MOOS-IvP and a Users Guide to the IvP Helm Autonomy Software
(2010-08-27)This document describes the IvP Helm -- an Open Source behavior-based autonomy application for unmanned vehicles. IvP is short for interval programming -- a technique for representing and solving multi-objective optimizations ...
A Tour of MOOS-IvP Autonomy Software Modules
(2009-02-13)This paper provides an overview of the MOOS-IvP autonomy software modules. The MOOS-IvP collection of software, i.e., codebase, described here has been developed and is currently maintained by three organizations - Oxford ...