A file server for the DistriX prototype : a multitransputer UNIX system

Hoffman, P Kuyper (1989)

Bibliography: pages 90-94.


The DISTRIX operating system is a multiprocessor distributed operating system based on UNIX. It consists of a number of satellite processors connected to central servers. The system is derived from the MINIX operating system, compatible with UNIX Version 7. A remote procedure call interface is used in conjunction with a system wide, end-to-end communication protocol that connects satellite processors to the central servers. A cached file server provides access to all files and devices at the UNIX system call level. The design of the file server is discussed in depth and the performance evaluated. Additional information is given about the software and hardware used during the development of the project. The MINIX operating system has proved to be a good choice as the software base, but certain features have proved to be poorer. The Inmos transputer emerges as a processor with many useful features that eased the implementation.
