Browsing Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy by Title

Now showing items 62-81 of 648

  • Assessment of ice flow dynamics in the zone close to the calving front of Antarctic ice shelves 

    Wearing, Martin G; Hindmarsh, Richard CA; Worster, Michael Grae (International Glaciological SocietyJournal of Glaciology, 2015-12-01)
    We investigate the relationship between four ice-shelf characteristics in the area close to the calving front: ice flow speed, strain rate, ice thickness and shelf width. Data are compiled for these glaciological parameters ...

  • Astrophysical tests of modified gravity 

    Sakstein, Jeremy Aaron (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 2014-10-07)
    Einstein's theory of general relativity has been the accepted theory of gravity for nearly a century but how well have we really tested it? The laws of gravity have been probed in our solar system to extremely high precision ...

  • Asymptotic Analysis of Asymmetric Thin Sheet Rolling 

    Minton, Jeremy; Cawthorn, CJ; Brambley, Edward James (ElsevierInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016-04-22)
    An analytical model for asymmetric rolling is presented, which includes asymmetry in roll friction, roll size and roll speed, for a rigid, perfectly-plastic thin sheet deformed with Coulomb friction. This model is solved ...

  • Asymptotic analysis of cold sandwich rolling 

    Cawthorn, Christopher John; Minton, Jeremy; Brambley, Edward James (ElsevierInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015-12-22)
    An analytical model for the cold rolling of sandwich sheets is proposed, assuming a rigid-plastic flow rule and Coulomb friction. Asymptotic analysis is used to solve the equations based on the assumptions of small aspect ...

  • Asymptotic approximations for the sound generated by aerofoils in unsteady subsonic flows 

    Ayton, Lorna Jane (University of CambridgeDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsChurchill College, 2014-10-07)
    This thesis considers the sound generated by unsteady perturbations interacting with solid aerofoils in background steady flows, in an attempt to further develop analytic models for the noise generated by blades within ...

  • ATLAS diboson excess could be an R-parity violating dismuon excess 

    Allanach, Benjamin Christopher; Dev, PS Bhupal; Sakurai, Kazuki (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review D, 2016-02-09)
    We propose a new possible explanation of the ATLAS diboson excess: that it is due to heavy resonant slepton production, followed by decay into dismuons. The smuon has a mass not too far from the W and Z masses, and so it ...

  • Atomic Processes for Astrophysical Plasmas 

    Badnell, NR; del, Giulio; Fernandez-Menchero, L; Giunta, AS; Liang, GY; Mason, Helen Elizabeth; Storey, PJ (Institute of PhysicsJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2016)
    In this review we summarize the recent calculations and improvements of atomic data that we have carried out for the analysis of astrophysical spectroscopy within the Atomic Processes for Astrophysical Plasmas (APAP) ...

  • Autophoretic flow on a torus 

    Schmieding, LC; Lauga, Eric Jean-Marie; Montenegro-Johnson, TD (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review Fluids, 2017-03-02)
    Phoretic swimmers provide new avenues to study nonequilibrium statistical physics and are also hailed as a promising technology for bioengineering at the cellular scale. Exact solutions for the locomotion of such swimmers ...

  • Autophoretic motion in three dimensions. 

    Lisicki, Maciej Krzysztof; Reigh, Shang Yik; Lauga, Eric Jean-Marie (RSCSoft matter, 2018-05)
    Janus particles with the ability to move phoretically in self-generated chemical concentration gra- dients are model systems for active matter. Their motion typically consists of straight paths with rotational diffusion ...

  • Avalanching on dunes and its effects: Size statistics, stratification, & seismic surveys 

    Arran, Matthew Iain (University of CambridgeApplied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsSt. Catharine's College, 2018-10-20)
    Geophysical research has long been interdisciplinary, with many phenomena on the Earth's surface involving multiple, linked processes that are best understood using a combination of techniques. This is particularly true ...

  • Bacterial Hydrodynamics 

    Lauga, Eric Jean-Marie (Annual ReviewsAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2016)
    Bacteria predate plants and animals by billions of years. Today, they are the world’s smallest cells, yet they represent the bulk of the world’s biomass and the main reservoir of nutrients for higher organisms. Most bacteria ...

  • Bilevel Parameter Learning for Higher-Order Total Variation Regularisation Models 

    De, los Reyes JC; Schönlieb, C-B; Valkonen, T (SpringerJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2016-06-01)
    We consider a bilevel optimisation approach for parameter learning in higher-order total variation image reconstruction models. Apart from the least squares cost functional, naturally used in bilevel learning, we propose ...

  • Bio-inspired canopies for the reduction of roughness noise 

    Clark, IA; Daly, CA; Devenport, W; Alexander, WN; Peake, Nigel; Jaworski, JW; Glegg, S (ElsevierJournal of Sound and Vibration, 2016-12-22)
    This work takes inspiration from the structure of the down covering the flight feathers of larger species of owls, which contributes to their ability to fly almost silently at frequencies above 1.6 kHz. Microscope photographs ...

  • Bioinspired trailing-edge noise control 

    Clark, IA; Alexander, WN; Devenport, W; Glegg, S; Jaworski, JW; Daly, C; Peake, Nigel (American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsAIAA Journal, 2017-01-01)
    Strategies for trailing edge noise control have been inspired by the downy canopy that covers the surface of exposed flight feathers of many owl species. Previous wind tunnel measurements demonstrate that canopies of similar ...

  • Birational geometry of hypersurfaces in products of projective spaces 

    Ottem, John Christian (SpringerMathematische Zeitschrift, 2015)
    We study the birational properties of hypersurfaces in products of projective spaces. In the case of hypersurfaces in Pm x Pn, we describe their nef, movable and e ective cones and determine when they are Mori dream ...

  • Bivariate spatial point patterns in the retina: a reproducible review 

    Eglen, Stephen J. (Societe Française de StatistiqueJournal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2016-04-08)
    In this article I present a reproducible review of recent research to investigate the spatial positioning of neurons in the nervous system. In particular, I focus on the relative spatial positioning of pairs of cell types ...

  • Black funnels 

    Santos, Jorge Eduardo; Way, B (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012-12-01)

  • Black Hole Kicks as New Gravitational Wave Observables 

    Gerosa, Davide; Moore, Christopher James (American Physical SocietyPhysical Review Letters, 2016-06-29)
    Generic black hole binaries radiate gravitational waves anisotropically, imparting a recoil, or kick, velocity to the merger remnant. If a component of the kick along the line of sight is present, gravitational waves emitted ...

  • Black holes with a single Killing vector field: black resonators 

    Dias, ÓJC; Santos, Jorge Eduardo; Way, B (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015-12-01)

  • Bounds on the Number of Measurements for Reliable Compressive Classification 

    Reboredo, H; Renna, Francesco; Calderbank, R; Rodrigues, MRD (IEEEIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2016-11-15)
    This paper studies the classification of high-dimensional Gaussian signals from low-dimensional noisy, linear measurements. In particular, it provides upper bounds (sufficient conditions) on the number of measurements ...