Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS): Recent submissions

Now showing items 141-160 of 248

  • Homological mirror symmetry for hypersurface cusp singularities 

    Keating, Ailsa Macgregor (SpringerSelecta Mathematica, 2017-06-03)
    We study versions of homological mirror symmetry for hypersurface cusp singularities and the three hypersurface simple elliptic singularities. We show that the Milnor fibres of each of these carries a distinguished Lefschetz ...

  • Comments on: High-dimensional simultaneous inference with the bootstrap 

    Lockhart, RA; Samworth, Richard John (Sociedad de Estadistica e Investigacion OperativaTest, 2017-12-01)
    We congratulate the authors on their stimulating contribution to the burgeoning high-dimensional inference literature. The bootstrap offers such an attractive methodology in these settings, but it is well-known that its ...

  • The structure of limit groups over hyperbolic groups 

    Groves, Daniel; Wilton, Henry John

  • Minimax optimal procedures for testing the structure of multidimensional functions 

    Aston, John Alexander; Autin, F; Claeskens, G; Freyermuth, J-M; Pouet, C
    We present a novel method for detecting some structural characteristics of multidimensional functions. We consider the multidimensional Gaussian white noise model with an anisotropic estimand. Using the relation between ...

  • Entropy production inequalities for the Kac Walk 

    Carlen, EA; Carvalho, MC; Einav, Amit
    Mark Kac introduced what is now called 'the Kac Walk' with the aim of investigating the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation by probabilistic means. Much recent work, discussed below, on Kac's program has run in the ...

  • Inverse and stability theorems for approximate representations of finite groups 

    Gowers, William Timothy; Hatami, O
    The U 2 norm gives a useful measure of quasirandomness for realor complex-valued functions defined on finite (or, more generally, locally compact) groups. A simple Fourier-analytic argument yields an inverse theorem, which ...

  • Imaginary geometry IV: interior rays, whole-plane reversibility, and space-filling trees 

    Miller, Jason Peter; Sheffield, S
    We establish existence and uniqueness for Gaussian free field flow lines started at interior points of a planar domain. We interpret these as rays of a random geometry with imaginary curvature and describe the way distinct ...

  • Homological stability for moduli spaces of high dimensional manifolds. I 

    Galatius, S; Randal-Williams, Oscar
    We prove a homological stability theorem for moduli spaces of simply connected manifolds of dimension 2n > 4, with respect to forming connected sum with S$^{n}$ x S$^{n}$ . This is analogous to Harer's stability theorem ...

  • Existence of Mori fibre spaces for 3-folds in char p 

    Birkar, Caucher; Waldron, J (ElsevierAdvances in Mathematics, 2017-06-20)
    We prove the following results for projective klt pairs of dimension 3 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$>5: the cone theorem, the base point free theorem, the contraction theorem, finiteness of minimal ...

  • Goodness-of-fit tests for high dimensional linear models 

    Shah, Rajen Dinesh; Bühlmann, P
    We propose a framework for constructing goodness-of-fit tests in both low and high dimensional linear models. We advocate applying regression methods to the scaled residuals following either an ordinary least squares or ...

  • Discussion of "The ASA’s p-value statement, one year on" by Robert Matthews 

    Spiegelhalter, David John (Wiley-BlackwellSignificance, 2017-05-03)

  • A Liouville hyperbolic souvlaki 

    Carmesin, Johannes; Federici, B; Georgakopoulos, A (Institute of Mathematical StatisticsElectronic Journal of Probability, 2017-04-25)
    We construct a transient bounded-degree graph no transient subgraph of which embeds in any surface of finite genus. Moreover, we construct a transient, Liouville, bounded-degree, Gromov–hyperbolic graph with trivial ...

  • Critical surface of the 1-2 model 

    Grimmett, Geoffrey Richard; Li, Z
    The 1-2 model on the hexagonal lattice is a model of statistical mechanics in which each vertex is constrained to have degree either 1 or 2. There are three edge directions, and three corresponding parameters a, b, c. It ...

  • On the number of non-zero elements of joint degree vectors 

    Czabarka, É; Sadeghi, Kayvan; Rauh, J; Short, T; Székely, L (Electronic Journal of CombinatoricsThe Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2017-03-31)
    Joint degree vectors give the number of edges between vertices of degree i and degree j for 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n-1 in an n-vertex graph. We find lower and upper bounds for the maximum number of nonzero elements in a joint degree ...

  • Balanced semisimple filtrations for tilting modules 

    Hazi, Amit (American Mathematical SocietyRepresentation Theory, 2017-03-08)
    Let $ U_l$ be a quantum group at an $ l$th root of unity, obtained via Lusztig's divided powers construction. Many indecomposable tilting modules for $ U_l$ have been shown to have what we call a balanced semisimple ...

  • The half plane UIPT is recurrent 

    Angel, O; Ray, Gourab (SpringerProbability Theory and Related Fields, 2017-03-07)
    We prove that the half plane version of the uniform infinite planar triangulation (UIPT) is recurrent. The key ingredients of the proof are a construction of a new full plane extension of the half plane UIPT, based on a ...

  • A Markov Model of a Limit Order Book: Thresholds, Recurrence, and Trading Strategies 

    Kelly, Francis Patrick; Yudovina, E
    We analyze a tractable model of a limit order book on short time scales, where the dynamics are driven by stochastic fluctuations between supply and demand. We establish the existence of a limiting distribution for the ...

  • 3-manifolds everywhere 

    Calegari, Danny; Wilton, Henry John
    A random group contains many subgroups which are isomorphic to the fundamental group of a compact hyperbolic 3-manifold with totally geodesic boundary. These subgroups can be taken to be quasi-isometrically embedded. This ...

  • Markov models for ocular fixation locations in the presence and absence of colour 

    Kashlak, Adam; Devane, E; Dietert, H; Jackson, H
    In response to the 2015 Royal Statistical Society's statistical analytics challenge, we propose to model the fixation locations of the human eye when observing a still image by a Markov point process in R$_{2}$. Our approach ...

  • Efficient nonparametric inference for discretely observed compound Poisson processes 

    Coca Cabrero, Alberto
    A compound Poisson process whose parameters are all unknown is observed at finitely many equispaced times. Nonparametric estimators of the jump and Lévy distributions are proposed and functional central limit theorems using ...