Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS): Recent submissions

Now showing items 121-140 of 248

  • On eigenvectors for semisimple elements in actions of algebraic groups 

    Kenneally, Darren John (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 2010-02-09)
    Let $G$ be a simple simply connected algebraic group defined over an algebraically closed field $K$ and $V$ an irreducible module defined over $K$ on which $G$ acts. Let $E$ denote the set of vectors in $V$ which are ...

  • Models of genus one curves 

    Sadek, Mohammad (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 2010-03-16)
    In this thesis we give insight into the minimisation problem of genus one curves defined by equations other than Weierstrass equations. We are interested in genus one curves given as double covers of P1, plane cubics, or ...

  • NF 

    Forster, Thomas Edward (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 1977-07-27)
    A study Of Quine's Set Theory

  • Deformations and gluing of asymptotically cylindrical manifolds with exceptional holonomy 

    Nordström, Johannes (University of CambridgeDepartment of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 2008-10-14)
    In Berger's classification of Riemannian holonomy groups there are several infinite families and two exceptional cases: the groups Spin(7) and G_2. This thesis is mainly concerned with 7-dimensional manifolds with ...

  • The topology of terminal quartic 3-folds 

    Kaloghiros, Anne-Sophie (University of Cambridge, 2007-06-20)
    Let Y be a quartic hypersurface in P^4 with terminal singularities. The Grothendieck-Lefschetz theorem states that any Cartier divisor on Y is the restriction of a Cartier divisor on P^4 . However, no such result holds ...

  • The geodesic X-ray transform with a $GL(n,\mathbb{C})$-connection 

    Monard, François; Paternain, Gabriel Pedro
    We derive reconstruction formulas for a family of geodesic ray transforms with connection, defined on simple Riemannian surfaces. Such formulas provide injectivity of such all transforms in a neighbourhood of constant ...

  • Inequalities for the Gaussian measure of convex sets 

    Tehranchi, MR
    This note presents families of inequalities for the Gaussian measure of convex sets which extend the recently proven Gaussian correlation inequality in various directions.

  • D-modules on rigid analytic spaces II: Kashiwara’s equivalence 

    Ardakov, K; Wadsley, Simon James (American Mathematical SocietyJournal of Algebraic Geometry, 2018-01-01)
    Let X be a smooth rigid analytic space. We prove that the category of co-admissible D-cap-modules on a smooth rigid analytic space supported on a closed smooth subvariety is naturally equivalent to the category of co-admissible ...

  • Homological stability for automorphism groups 

    Randal-Williams, Oscar; Wahl, N (Academic PressAdvances in Mathematics, 2017-10-01)
    Given a family of groups admitting a braided monoidal structure (satisfying mild assumptions) we construct a family of spaces on which the groups act and whose connectivity yields, via a classical argument of Quillen, ...

  • Bounded Height in Families of Dynamical Systems 

    DeMarco, L; Ghioca, D; Krieger, Holly Christine; Dang Nguyen, K; Tucker, T; Ye, H (Oxford University PressInternational Mathematics Research Notices, 2017-08-29)
    Let a, b ∈ $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}$ be such that exactly one of a and b is an algebraic integer, and let f$_{t}$(z) := z$^{2}$ + t be a family of polynomials parameterized by t ∈ $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}$. We prove that the set of all ...

  • Pro-p subgroups of profinite completions of 3-manifold groups 

    Wilton, Henry John; Zalesskii, P
    We completely describe the finitely generated pro-$p$ subgroups of the profinite completion of the fundamental group of an arbitrary 3-manifold. We also prove a pro-$p$ analogue of the main theorem of Bass–Serre theory for ...

  • High-dimensional change point estimation via sparse projection 

    Wang, T; Samworth, Richard John
    Changepoints are a very common feature of Big Data that arrive in the form of a data stream. In this paper, we study high-dimensional time series in which, at certain time points, the mean structure changes in a sparse ...

  • Fractional Calabi-Yau Categories from Landau-Ginzburg Models 

    Kelly, Tyler Lee; Favero, D
    We give criteria for the existence of a Serre functor on the derived category of a gauged Landau-Ginzburg model. This is used to provide a general theorem on the existence of an admissible (fractional) Calabi-Yau subcategory ...

  • Markov numbers and Lagrangian cell complexes in the complex projective plane 

    Evans, Jonathan David; Smith, Ivan (Mathematical sciences publishersGEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, 2018)
    We study Lagrangian embeddings of a class of two-dimensional cell complexes L_p,q into the complex projective plane. These cell complexes, which we call pinwheels, arise naturally in algebraic geometry as vanishing cycles ...

  • Sufficientness postulates for Gibbs-type priors and hierarchical generalizations 

    Bacallado de Lara, Sergio Andres; Battiston, M; Favaro, S; Trippa, L
    A fundamental problem in Bayesian nonparametrics consists of selecting a prior distribution by assuming that the corresponding predictive probabilities obey certain properties. An early discussion of such a problem, although ...

  • Small-time fluctuations for sub-Riemannian diffusion loops 

    Habermann, Karen
    We study the small-time fluctuations for diffusion processes which are conditioned by their initial and final positions, under the assumptions that the diffusivity has a sub-Riemannian structure and that the drift vector ...

  • Trend to equilibrium for the Becker–Döring equations: an analogue of Cercignani's conjecture 

    Cañizo, JA; Einav, Amit; Lods, B (Mathematical Sciences PublishersAnalysis and PDE, 2017-08-01)
    We investigate the rate of convergence to equilibrium for subcritical solutions to the Becker–Döring equations with physically relevant coagulation and fragmentation coefficients and mild assumptions on the given initial ...

  • Trust in numbers 

    Spiegelhalter, David John (WileyJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 2017-10-01)
    Those who value quantitative and scientific evidence are faced with claims both of a reproducibility crisis in scientific publication, and of a post-truth society abounding in fake news and alternative facts. Both issues ...

  • A finite dimensional approach to Donaldson's J-flow 

    Dervan, Ruadhai; Keller, J
    Consider a projective manifold with two distinct polarisations $L_1$ and $L_2$. From this data, Donaldson has defined a natural flow on the space of Kähler metrics in $c_1$($L_1$), called the J-flow. The existence of a ...

  • Critical Exponents on Fortuin-Kasteleyn Weighted Planar Maps 

    Berestycki, Nathanael Edouard; Laslier, Benoit; Ray, Gourab (SpringerCOMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 2017-10-01)
    In this paper we consider random planar maps weighted by the self-dual Fortuin--Kasteleyn model with parameter $q \in (0,4)$. Using a bijection due to Sheffield and a connection to planar Brownian motion in a cone we obtain ...