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Pore Pressure Prediction in Well Planning and Safe Drilling

dc.contributor.authorIgwe, Henry Nnamdi
dc.descriptionMain Thesisen_US
dc.description.abstractThe trend of normal compaction and the pore pressure gradient plays a vital role in oil and natural gas wells designs in well planning and safe drilling. It is imperative to adequately understand the physical principles originating and facilitating these pressures and as well evaluate the models of quantification for a particular geographical area. This research used Eaton’s depth-dependent normal compaction equations for pore pressure prediction in subsurface formations of geo pressures zones in an onshore well drilled in the Niger Delta region. The research focuses in the normal compaction trends using cores from sonic, density and shale resistivity logs. The method shows a significant magnitude of pore pressure determination with high precision. From those obtainable results, I observed that the accuracy of the prediction depends on the from normal compactions trend.en_US
dc.subjectAbnormal pressureen_US
dc.subjectpore pressureen_US
dc.subjectnormal compaction trenden_US
dc.subjecteffective stressen_US
dc.subjectvelocity and transit timeen_US
dc.subjectshale resistivityen_US
dc.subjectwell logsen_US
dc.subjectfracture pressure and fracture gradienten_US
dc.subjectPore Pressure Prediction in Well Planning and Safe Drillingen_US
dc.subjectDr. Alpheus Igbokoyien_US
dc.subjectIgwe Henry Nnamdien_US
dc.subject2021 Petroleum Engineering Masters Thesesen_US
dc.titlePore Pressure Prediction in Well Planning and Safe Drillingen_US

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