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Control of Non Linear Oscillations in Plasma Governed by a Van Der Pol Equation

dc.contributor.authorGbedo, Yemalin Gabin
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with the control of non linear oscillations in plasma governed by a classical Van der Pol equation . The main interest devoted to such an investigation is that non linear oscillations in plasma is essential in industry. In chapter 1 , we present some generality on the dynamical systems . Chapter 2 is focussed on the analytical study of the Van der Pol equation in autonomous regime . The amplitude and the phase of the stable limit cycle are derived using the Averaging Method . In chapter 3 , we investigate the oscillations in plasma .en_US
dc.subjectGbedo Yemalin Gabinen_US
dc.subjectProf Jean bio Chabi- Orouen_US
dc.subject2011 Theoretical Physics Thesesen_US
dc.titleControl of Non Linear Oscillations in Plasma Governed by a Van Der Pol Equationen_US

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Theoretical and Applied Physics55

    This collection contains selected research work by Theoretical and Applied Physics Students at the master's level, from 2009-2022.

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