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A mobile based image analysis system for Cervical Cancer Detection

dc.contributor.authorSaka, Abiola Monsour
dc.description.abstractCervical cancer is the third major killer disease in developed and developing countries. Whereas screening and other preventive measures reduce the mortality rate in developed countries, mortality rates still remain very high in developing countries. This project focuses on the analysis of a digital image of the cervix; captured with a low-level camera, under a contrast agent: the visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) is known as one of the reference methods to detect cervical cancer. Gaussian and mean filter techniques were used to remove the speckles. A segmentation algorithm was used to isolate the region of interest (ROI) from the image. Additionally a canny edge detection algorithm was used to find edges. Furthermore, quantification and classification of the images were done. An Android application was used to integrate all the above. This allows usage in rural settings. The results obtained were quite satisfactory (Specificity 79% and Sensitivity of 83%).en_US
dc.subjectSaka Abiola Monsouren_US
dc.subjectProf Steve Adeshinaen_US
dc.subject2016 Computer Science Thesesen_US
dc.subjectCervical Cancer Detectionen_US
dc.subjectmobile based image analysis systemen_US
dc.titleA mobile based image analysis system for Cervical Cancer Detectionen_US

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Computer Science105

    This collection contains Computer Science Student's Theses from 2009-2022

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