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Observatory System for Monitoring Hepatitis C Development in Nigeria

dc.contributor.authorIdakwo, Patricia Ojonoka
dc.description.abstractHepatitis C development is a public health concern globally; hence eliminating it has become a major public health goal by various countries. In Nigeria, monitoring Hepatitis C development with the view to eliminate it has faced several challenges such as lack of central national database on the virus, inadequate health intelligence and surveillance systems to monitor and control the incidences and prevalence of disease, manual system of health records collection, storage and access by majority of health care providers, and lack of synchronized records of existing and newly diagnosed patients. The aim of this project is to design and develop an observatory system for monitoring Hepatitis C development in Nigeria. The system will serve as a decision making tool for health care professionals for decisions regarding individual patient management, as well as public health professionals and the general public to enhance the development of public health policies and strategies.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAUST and AfDB.en_US
dc.subject2019 Computer Science and Engineering Thesesen_US
dc.subjectIdakwo Patricia Ojonokaen_US
dc.subjectProf. Amos Daviden_US
dc.subjectHepatitis Cen_US
dc.subjectHealth Information Systemsen_US
dc.subjectPublic Health Observatoryen_US
dc.subjectMedical Observatory Systemen_US
dc.subjectDecision Support Systemen_US
dc.titleObservatory System for Monitoring Hepatitis C Development in Nigeriaen_US

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  • Computer Science105

    This collection contains Computer Science Student's Theses from 2009-2022

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