Table 2 (Supplemental): Complete data for all 100 expression programs discovered by GeneProgram from the Novartis Gene Atlas v2

Unknown author (2007-06-25)

Table 2 (Supplemental): Complete data for all 100 recurrent expression programs (EPs) discovered by GeneProgram. Each EP has two identifying rows, a list of meta-genes, and a list of significantly enriched GO categories. The first identifying row has three columns: (1) the EP identifier (an arbitrarily assigned number), (2) the number of meta-genes in the EP, and (3) the percentage of samples the EP occurs in. The identifying row lists all tissues that use the EP (h_ = human tissue, m_ = mouse tissue). Numbers in parentheses next to each tissue indicate the degree to which the tissue uses the EP.After the identifying rows the set of meta-genes in the EP are listed. Each meta-gene has eight columns: (1) the human RefSeq identifier, (2) the mouse RefSeq identifier, (3) the empirical mean expression level, (4) the empirical mean occurrence percentage, (5) the human gene name, (6) the human Swis-Prot description, (7) the mouse gene name, and (8) the mouse Swis-Prot description.Following the meta-genes are lists of significant GO categories (the first list uses human annotations, and the second uses mouse annotations). The columns for each line in this list are: (1) GO term, (2) enrichment p-value, (3) number of genes in the EP in the category/total genes in the EP with some GO category, (4) category description, and (5) total number of genes in the category that are also in the dataset analyzed.