Understanding the Performance of Broadband Networks through the Statistical Analysis of Speed Tests - Supplemental materials

Unknown author (2011-05-10)

Supplemental materials for the master thesis "Understanding the Performance of Broadband Networks Through the Statistical Analysis of Speed Tests", by Rubén García, submitted in May 2011 for the S.M. in Technology and Policy. Supplemental materials include: Source_code: Folder containing the source code for the statistical analysis of NDT speed tests, written for the R statistical package; NDT_data: Folder containing the following datasets (1) ndt4.h5: Initial NDT data that we used for the analysis; (2) ndt3.h5: Reduced version of the ndt4 dataset (same tests but less variables), also contains the 'whois' file that we combine with the NDT data in order to add location information; (3) comcast-ndt.h5: dataset containing the speed tests of a controlled experiment that we ran using different test durations; Aggregated_datasets: Versions of the ndt4.h5 dataset aggregated by IP and by Autonomous System.

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